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Monday, December 12, 2016
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Freedom and the Parrots
These cuties are red crowned parrots. Their biography IS the fact they were birdnapped from central america. Brought up here to the US of A, & as the vehicles that had them caged approached the border, it was found out, the bird nappers would most likely be fined, caught and more. Soooooooooooooo, they let the parrots go, they released them, opened the doors of the cages and FREEDOM! There were less than a hundred THEN. NOW we have in Southern California, most likely close to a thousand. A community of these critters live in Orange County, which is close to Los Angelas, and I believe the rest live down here in San Diego County. Now for my story: These parrots land on my residential street, where I live. They land nearly every day, be it here OR within a mile or so. I go on what I call parrot field trips. What happens, is: they are ever so loud and then they dive bomb me. I get the biggest blessing out of it too! This am it was less than 40 degrees, and they are from central america, so they must be cold. :( Just had to share the STORY behind the parrots................. of course then you will want them as greeting cards OR something to hang on the wall. SHALOM TO YOU !
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Yeah Nicole wow!
Releasing you Nicole from the tyranny of the trauma,
canceling the power of the trauma. His
healing to His work of art, washing away the pain. U papa wind,
you, you (Nicole).
Your name is right, its right in your name VICTORY 4 the people. I will pour freedom, freedom, all across the
land. A victim, now a victor,
overcoming abuse.
I will start understanding the differences… He will do things incredibly by the Spirit. Your life will be different, so deep. A quiet transition. Be careful to who you share.
I will start understanding the differences… He will do things incredibly by the Spirit. Your life will be different, so deep. A quiet transition. Be careful to who you share.
Wings to soar, wings to fly, wings to overcome. Prisoners of this pain.
You take the keys, and I am giving you my grace, my healing,
right now, my strength to overcome.
My precious, precious,
I was there in your pain,
My precious, precious, I assure you its for HIS gain
My precious, precious, what the enemy meant for evil
I have, I will use for good.
I took from Him, to use so you would win.
I’m so glad youre
mine, my love for you is time, I love you, I had my eye on you, Receive my
little song.
you’ve won against all odds!
you’ve won against all odds!
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Monday, November 7, 2016
What do you believe, know, and understand about your relationship with Christ.................
what is ever so sad to me, IS the fact of all the worry over who is going to be president........... If one is a christian and has the discernment GOD DOES GIVE........... what does God say about the election. Well, most prophets, and apostles SAY: God is going to restore America! God's people have been praying most of the year, (of course there are those who are lazy), but it was a delight when I heard Chuck Pierce, and Dutch Sheets . . . . . Share about the fact that GOD IS ABOUT TO PLAY THE TRUMP CARD. Of course I hear the media give LIES too, as the clintons do regularly. ALSO...... this video, is AWESOME and if you think you are important. YOU BETTER TAKE AN HOUR AND WATCH IT... Don't complain later that , you were never warned. WE will have a restored Nation soon, but there is going to be some casualties too! God always warns, encourages...... before blessings and judging. SHALOM ~ ~ ~ ~
Sunday, November 6, 2016
TRUMP: the COMING LANDSLIDE. ~Ancient Prophecy Documentary
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Keeping the 10 commandments~~~
The Ten Commandments
- I am the Lord, your God.
- Thou shall bring no false idols before me.
- Do not take the name of the Lord in vain.
- Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
- Honor thy father and thy mother.
- Thou shall not kill/murder†.
- Thou shall not commit adultery.
- Thou shall not steal††.
- Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- Thou shall not covet‡ your neighbor's wife (or anything that belongs to your neighbor) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This season, I keep hearing The Ten Commandments, in my spirit. So I have been thinking: What commandments DON'T I keep, and which one DO I keep? I tried to remember them all, and would only make it to 8 or 9. Not to 10.......... Ikes. Now the one commandment I am trying to keep the Sabbath. So this posting is to get us, you, and whomever will , KEEP THESE COMMANDMENTS! SHALOM TOO!
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
TESTIMONY TIME.......... I'M back but this time, with my TRUE IDENTITY 100%. I have been fighting, FIGHTING, so as to be walking, living in the Identity GOD CREATED me to be in. I keep having breakthroughs (good), and keep coming up a level, (good). So often what seems to be evil, is deliverance and healing! FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS~ Deep breath... I got thrown to the floor yesterday (not good) and never imagined, that it was 100% VICTORY (darkest before the dawn), and if you are going through some ugh, it is the same for you too! VICTORY is at hand. Well I got thrown to the floor yesterday and when I came to, I wasn't sure where I was, and then "life" came into focus, I found blood on the pillow and had no fear (started saying shalom 2 years ago, as Holy Spirit prompted me)( Deborah Pomeroy / Debra Karrasch ) I washed my head (to the best of my ability, the back of it, and I could not see it) The day progressed and I learned as I have started listening to Sheila Zilinsky and Carla Butand. Boy I am learned lots.......... God is going deep / DEEP in those of us that will let HIM> and getting us CLEAN/ CLEANEST for these upcoming battles!!! So I thought I had a few spirits that needed cast out, now I have grasped that upwards toward 2 dozens critters are now gone out of me. I also am understanding, that "usually" the more evil in you/ your bloodline, the more anointed you very well are, could be. Now this posting could be chapters long, but I am learning demonic names of spirits that are in people, that the church rarely teaches, and the ONLY reason I am sharing here WARRIORS , IS THAT we do warfare and IT IS IMPORTANT FOR US TO UNDERSTAND THE TACTICS of the enemy. Time to get washed WHITE AS SNOW........ Feel free to ask me any questions. ALSO.... I have had a tremendous wonderful breakthrough of feeling, sensing; sight, smell, touch, hearing, ................... those sensations of The Lord, that I never did before. SHALOM ...........
Friday, October 28, 2016
Sunday, September 18, 2016
It has been 58 years of not being who Our ABBA created me to be. To be full of ugh, and more than I will ever fathom, or need to know. I have been set free of deaf and dumb spirits, spirits of fear and more. I know not how many. I had such a wonderful breakthrough, this last February. I awoke one morning, and it was like I was on a different planet. Colors were brighter, and I smelled more deeply. Those pesky blankouts/ were over, and life was wonderful! I started seeing the numbers 3 and 17 at least a dozen times each day! My birthday came and passed, with IS the 17th of March. The end of March came and the blankouts returned. ???? What the uhg....... ???? I had no idea of WHAT happened, and may not ever. These mini seizures were different, in the fact there was no warning and more. Mostly my entire life came to a standstill. I even quit church for a short while. Just walking through my own house was a challenge, since I had no warning before a blankout. So time passed, and a wonderful friend invited me to her home for a guest speaker, who was from Africa. Here name was Cecillia, and she prayed for most of us. When she got to me, she only prayed in the spirit, and so I had no idea of what she prayed. I went down, and stayed there for some time. I got up, came home that night, and went to bed. When I awoke the next morning, I had soaked the bed with pee. I was dumbfounded, for immediately I knew a evil spirit had left me. The week progressed and there was a definite battle still, but I KNEW to allow GOD to do most of the battling. I had stood firm, and this mostly HIS DOING. Monday arrived and a good sister of the Lord called me with some wonderful encouragements. Some scriptures and they matched the numbers God has been giving me all year. God sent to me many things this week for wonderful encouragement too! Another dear sister, called me days later, and sang to me Happy Birthday! It isn't my birthday, but YET The True NICOLE is now Alive and Reigning and the false identity is gone. So often this week, when I look at the time (on our living room clock), it is on the hour. I hear ding dong the witch is dead, the evil witch is dead. (false identity). Doors have already started opening for the photography too! There is more, and it will be shared as allowed/prompted. SHALOM TO ALL who will accept God's way. We are going to have a wonderful victorious season in ABBA! SHALOM/ SHALOM
It has been 58 years of not being who Our ABBA created me to be. To be full of ugh, and more than I will ever fathom, or need to know. I have been set free of deaf and dumb spirits, spirits of fear and more. I know not how many. I had such a wonderful breakthrough, this last February. I awoke one morning, and it was like I was on a different planet. Colors were brighter, and I smelled more deeply. Those pesky blankouts/ were over, and life was wonderful! I started seeing the numbers 3 and 17 at least a dozen times each day! My birthday came and passed, with IS the 17th of March. The end of March came and the blankouts returned. ???? What the uhg....... ???? I had no idea of WHAT happened, and may not ever. These mini seizures were different, in the fact there was no warning and more. Mostly my entire life came to a standstill. I even quit church for a short while. Just walking through my own house was a challenge, since I had no warning before a blankout. So time passed, and a wonderful friend invited me to her home for a guest speaker, who was from Africa. Here name was Cecillia, and she prayed for most of us. When she got to me, she only prayed in the spirit, and so I had no idea of what she prayed. I went down, and stayed there for some time. I got up, came home that night, and went to bed. When I awoke the next morning, I had soaked the bed with pee. I was dumbfounded, for immediately I knew a evil spirit had left me. The week progressed and there was a definite battle still, but I KNEW to allow GOD to do most of the battling. I had stood firm, and this mostly HIS DOING. Monday arrived and a good sister of the Lord called me with some wonderful encouragements. Some scriptures and they matched the numbers God has been giving me all year. God sent to me many things this week for wonderful encouragement too! Another dear sister, called me days later, and sang to me Happy Birthday! It isn't my birthday, but YET The True NICOLE is now Alive and Reigning and the false identity is gone. So often this week, when I look at the time (on our living room clock), it is on the hour. I hear ding dong the witch is dead, the evil witch is dead. (false identity). Doors have already started opening for the photography too! There is more, and it will be shared as allowed/prompted. SHALOM TO ALL who will accept God's way. We are going to have a wonderful victorious season in ABBA! SHALOM/ SHALOM
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Friday, July 29, 2016
Deborah and the bee . . . . . .
I am sharing the scriptures from the Old Testament of the Holy Bible.
I see so often in life, I see such life and it is interpreted from the spiritual to physical and from physical observations, to spiritual understandings. This posting is over the fact that for several days; I have been doing my A.M. devotions and upon doing them, I see much activity in my yard of birds, insects and more. So, these last few days, a honeybee keeps visiting me, and now has been landing in my soda can from the night before. Starting a couple of days ago, I took some of the left over soda and put it in a small little cup (left over from cat food), and upon getting up, sitting down with my bible and doing my devotions, this honeybee each morning, comes to where I sit, and drinks any thing in that little container. I took some photos and now share with you!
I also want to share, that over the last 3 days (July 26th - 29th) : New species of birds and more, have visited my yard. Thank You, Abba!!!
I see so often in life, I see such life and it is interpreted from the spiritual to physical and from physical observations, to spiritual understandings. This posting is over the fact that for several days; I have been doing my A.M. devotions and upon doing them, I see much activity in my yard of birds, insects and more. So, these last few days, a honeybee keeps visiting me, and now has been landing in my soda can from the night before. Starting a couple of days ago, I took some of the left over soda and put it in a small little cup (left over from cat food), and upon getting up, sitting down with my bible and doing my devotions, this honeybee each morning, comes to where I sit, and drinks any thing in that little container. I took some photos and now share with you!
I also want to share, that over the last 3 days (July 26th - 29th) : New species of birds and more, have visited my yard. Thank You, Abba!!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Before God ever formed us in our mothers’ wombs, He knew us. In other words, before He even brought us forth He had fully determined who we are and established our identity in Him. One of the most important weapons of warfare we have in any battle is our God-given identity. When we allow God to reveal to us who we truly are, and we choose to believe Him, we can live from that identity and trust God to back it up and bring it about. When we know who we are to God, with God, and for God, we can enter any situation or circumstance confident that we will see victory, because we are walking out the destiny God created us for, called us to, and has empowered us to step into. The Life of the Son
The Father models this to us in the life of His Son. When Jesus emerged from the waters of His baptism, the Father proclaimed Jesus’ identity. The Father declared that Jesus is a “Beloved Son” in whom the Father is “fully pleased.” Before Jesus stepped into any ministry or any confrontations with the enemy ; He knew who He was.God-given identity is so powerful that the enemy will do all he can to come against it. He tried to attack Jesus’ identity in the wilderness and get Him to question if He really was God’s Son. But Jesus refused to be shaken. He refused to let go of the identity His Father had declared over Him. He was so rooted and grounded in who He was to, for, and with the Father that at times He simply declared His true God-given identity and the enemy was completely overpowered by it (John 18:6).Jesus was the firstborn of many children (Romans 8:29), and because of the amazing gift of His sacrifice you are now one of those children. Just like He did with His Son Jesus, the Father wants to declare over you, His precious child, who you truly are.It is critical in this hour that we dig into the Word and posture ourselves before the Father’s heart so that we can allow Him to show us who we truly are. You are a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). You are not who you were. You are who He created you to be. When we know and embrace our God-given identity, we can nullify the lies of the enemy and cast down every temptation and vain imagination that does not line up with who and what God says we truly are.Knowing your God-given identity is a key weapon for victory in this hour.There is Victory in Identity!When David went into battle against Goliath he confidently carried a weapon that was key to his victory. More than the sling in his hand, more than the five stones in his pouch, the weapon David wielded was his God-given identity.In 1 Samuel 17, when David showed up at the battlefield to take on Goliath, no one thought of him as a warrior. At that point he was really only known to the world as a musician in Saul’s court. But David did not let the world determine his identity. He knew the Lord had anointed him to be a leader, victor, and protector of Israel. He knew that God had been training him for war while he had been caring for the sheep of his father’s flock (1 Samuel 17:34-37). It didn’t matter if the world knew who he was at this point. David knew who he was – because he chose to believe what God had declared over him. That’s why he was ready for the battle and able to step into the victory. When his older brother belittled him, telling him he had no business being among the warriors since he was just an insignificant little shepherd (1 Samuel 17:28), David held tightly to who God had told him he was. When King Saul dismissed him as “only a boy” (1 Samuel 17:33), David clung to his God-given identity. And when the enemy tried to humiliate and intimidate him, David confidently declared who his God was and reiterated who he was with his God. He battled from his God-given identity, a key to stepping into victory. When the world tried to tell David who he was, he didn’t pay attention. When the people around him tried to tell him who he was, he ignored them. And when the enemy tried to tell him who he was, he corrected him. David was confident in who he was, because he was confident in his God who had declared his identity to him.David knew and trusted the Lord, so he knew he could trust what the Lord had told him about himself. David’s identity was not determined by his circumstances, by others, and certainly not by the enemy. It was determined by God. If we truly trust our God, we will truly trust that we are who He says we are. We will live from that identity, and we will see victory. Don’t Limit Yourself! In addition to the voices of the world, people around you, and the enemy, there is one other voice that can come against your God-given identity. You!Sometimes it is our own voice inside our heads that tries to convince us we are not who God says we are. Think of Gideon in Judges 6. The Lord declared to Gideon that he was a “mighty man of valor” and that he would be the rescuer of his people. Gideon’s initial response was, “Not me!” He then went on to list all the reasons he could not possibly be a mighty man or a hero amongst his people. Gideon had been so beaten down by the Midianites (the enemy) over the years that he could not bring himself to believe what the Lord told him about who he was. But God is so faithful, so loving, so kind, and so good at declaring to us who we really are; He took Gideon past his own doubts and empowered him to step into his true God-given identity. He can do the same for each of us. Who You Really Are! The world will try to tell you who you are. People around you will try to tell you who you are. The enemy will try to tell you who you are. They might even cite facts about your past or your present to try to convince you that they’re right. Don’t listen to any of it. Don’t listen to any voice that tries to tell you that you are anything other than who God says you are. Before God formed you in your mother’s womb He knew you (Jeremiah 1:5). God knows all about you, but He wants you to know, too. He wants to share with you who you truly are so that you can cast off any remnant of false identity the world, others, or the enemy have placed upon you, and start to live from your God-given identity. Take time this month to get with God and let Him speak to you about you. Ask Him who you are. Ask Him how He sees you. Ask Him what He created you for. Ask Him to declare over you your God-given identity. You are going to be amazed by who you really are!
Monday, July 18, 2016
Do you focus looking vertically OR horizontally?
I was reading a blog posting from a brother in the Lord ~~ Joe Dawson. It is exactly what I have been doing as of late. With all the activity on this planet and I am sure in the universe we live in, most of us spend more time focused on the that evil, rather than focused on the good, (and yes there is good in many places, just take time to LOOK for it). So often when signing into social media, I see people posting dozens of items of the negative activity all around, and just think if we posted declarations, scriptures and an occasional news article. I have read before........... Finally brothers/sisters in the Lord, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virture, and if there be any praise, think on THESE THINGS!
Phillippians 4:8
Now here is the article that shares in detail about what/how to focus on. Please Read it.
Phillippians 4:8
Now here is the article that shares in detail about what/how to focus on. Please Read it.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Overcoming unbelief and not feeling worthy enough!
You know no one is perfect! No one! Only God is perfect! So the next time you "feel" like God is going to use you, or can't use you, well JUST REMEMBER THIS!!
- Abraham was too old
- Isaac was a daydreamer
- Jacob was a liar
- Joseph was abused and tortured
- Moses stuttered alot
- Gideon had some FEARS
- Rahab was a harlot/prostitute
- Jeremiah was too you as was Timothy too
- David had lust issue with an affair AND
- David was a murderer too
- Elijah had suicidal issues
- Jonah ran away from GOD
- Naomi was a widow
- Job lost most everything, and went bankrupt
- Peter denied Christ repititiously
- The disciples fell asleep while they were praying
- Martha worried most all the time
- That Samaritan woman, she was divorced (more than once)
- Zaccheus was tiny, too small
- Paul was very religious (religion isn't good)
- Timothy had ulcers
- AND ............................... LAZARUS died, was dead!! A poor background does not disqualify anyone from a great and wonderful future with the Lord, or even to be used of God in powerful ways. Everything can change today. Of course we want to move out of dysfunctional types of behaviour, and Praise GOD, we rejoice in knowing there is hope for ALL! God is no respecter of persons. Quit making excuses now, and do that which you have procrastinated over and about. SHALOM~~~~
Friday, June 10, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016
It's time to emerge~
When I think of emerging I grasp either the butterfly coming out of it’s cocoon, or maybe a bear coming out of it’s hibernation. I have been in a literal hibernation: (basically in my home, no transportation)(Others will pick me up and take me places),(most of my art/photography has been dormant as well). God is bringing many (if not all) out of that place that they/me have been hibernating in. Most have a car and drive, so thier/your hibernation is of another sort. Maybe they/you are not much into social gatherings, or maybe they have abandoned thier yard work. This is the season/time to either pick up or start that which hasn’t been done yet, or in awhile. So, take that step of action/faith and quit thinking/talking about it and do it! Sounds like a Nike commercial. Ready, Set, Let’s GO
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Before the Revival of God's People!
Who remembers what happened in 1906? WELL? Earthquakes galore . . . . Here is a link to see in detail. Here in this month of April, we have had oodles of Earthquakes above 7.0, & the is a LINK of our planets volcano activity! It is time to use wisdom, not just your knowledge, and stock up as God prompts with water and other items to get you through a week or more with no electricity. I KNOW GOD IS UP TO SOMETHING BIG, and yes the fruit is REVIVAL! But what most don’t want to hear, or pay attention to is WHAT HAPPENS BEFORE THE REVIVAL! It is time not to just hear, but listen, be aware of and HEED what the Spirit IS Speaking to the church, be it through the Prophets, Apostles, Teachers, Evangelists, and/or Pastors. Yes start listening and take action. We have become a very docile people, and it is time to take action as God prompts, and leads REALLY!!! THE EARTH DECLARES THE GLORY OF GOD!
Monday, April 4, 2016
My Baby Girl!! ~~~~ Henrietta Maye
My baby girl…………. So many of us have pets. Well did you know that so often WHEN you dream, and and you dream of your pet, if usually is interpreted as YOU! YOU are God’s adorable pet! So, in sharing this, I dreamt of Henrietta Maye some years ago, and she was about 2-3 feet tall, up on all fours, and she was LIVID/ ANGRY!!!! I learned that week, i needed to angry at the enemy, and NOT SIN! I dreamt again of her a few months ago, and this one, was just simply her coming out of her burrough. (she is a desert tortoise, and hibernates every winter), so, I Knew it was time to come out of my burrough. (get out of my house and get involved into REAL LIFE). So in sharing this…………………… ................. Here is Henritta maye, eating, what I provided for her. Some romaine lettuce, some rose petals, and mexican primrose. BTW, If you know me, and know you will see me, I am looking for hibiscus flowers. Let me know, and I will buy/trade for them. SHALOM TO YOU!
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
This is a wonderful, beautiful, and AWESOME season, for many of us! As we stay focused on our Saviour, and His way, His Kingdom, and more of HIM. We will get breakthrough out of breakthrough! Things we must wait on, some things we don’t. It is hard to live as one person “most” of your life and then blossom/bloom into who GOD created! Several demons have been eradicated, cast off/out of me, and a curse broken. Christians have been watching me for years “blank out” and I haven’t had a doctor, The Lord is my doctor! I know I very well would/could be in a mental institution and I hear myself say: “I never did anything wrong.” It has been a long road and God has chosen wise ways for me. This posting is just a trumpet blast of my freedom, in Jesus Name! More blasts later! God opened the door, with an order from Photography by Nicole , and International Order of the vintage typewriter. Very Strategic! More sales soon! Awaiting the green light! SHALOM! We are in a season of breakthroughs, and there is even a retreat coming up pertaining to this. YEAH GOD! I DECLARE THAT THE ONLY NICOLE THAT SPEAKS IS THE ONE GOD CREATED!
Monday, February 22, 2016
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Friday, February 5, 2016
Moon, Venus, Mercury on February 6 |
Moon, Venus, Mercury on February 6 | Let the crescent moon guide you to Mercury as darkness wanes toward dawn on Saturday, February 6. And see all 5 planets before dawn!
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
The Old Nicole is gone, the new Nicole is here!
It is very hard to describe the fact of being someone all your life, and that person isn't you. To live under a false identity is sort of hard to explain. Over the last few years, well I have had new senses come to birth. Especially this month and this week especially my senses have certainly changed/intensified beyond description. I honestly am amazed that I am even alive from what I have come through without emotion. For now simple joy is astronomically intense to me. Simple sorrow feels like someone has died. This blog post is a spiritual step of faith and obedience and I know many are having their BREAKTHROUGH of a lifetime as well this month/week/season. ABBA, I pray that I will take the time to get to know myself in a new way, and accept, love, and enjoy myself. Thank you especially for the little goldfinches that YOU SENT to my yard this last week. That was and is such a wonderful present!!! They have been all over the yard, and sitting in the ~~~~Blue Potato Bush Royal Robe (Solanum rantonnetii), inches from my office window, just peering in at me. So wonderfully accepted from YOU. So I declare the old Nicole is gone, and the Nicole You created is Alive and getting stronger as days proceed.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Field Trips with ABBA
I remember driving out and about in my county, and state. I would go to lakes, parks, and just trails across the land. I would see life in an entirely different way than usual. The eagle, the deer, the birds and coyotes. It has been years since I have driven, so I certainly long and miss those days. A friend, a sweet friend, and maybe as I allow her to love me, be my sister in Christ. It was so wonderful to go to a local lake (that was nearly dry a week ago), and see it nearly full, from these intense rains. For years, I would list all the life, especially the birds I would see and hear in my bird diaries. I have never quite understood, why I love to list, List, LIST things, but have since childhood. Then i would do lists of countries and their capitals, maybe the flowers of a certain nation and many more lists. I anticipate more trips and even getting my drivers license again before the year is over. Here is the list from our trip on January 15th, 2016. Shalom to all who read this…………
- Killdeer 14. Great Tailed Grackle
- American Coot 15. Brewers Blackbird
- Common Moorhen 16. Red Winged Blackbird
- Mallard Duck 17. Northern Flicker
- Double Crested Cormorant 18. Nuttals woodpecker
- Black Necked Stilt 19. Cedar Waxwing
- Canadian Goose 20. Black Phoebe
- Great Egret 21. Common Yellowthroat Warbler
- Northern Shoveler 22. Yellow Rumped Warbler
- Green Winged Teal 23. House Sparrow
- Cinnamon Teal 24. Song Sparrow
- American Widgeon 25. Cassins Kingbird
- Mallard 26. Rock Dove 27. Mourning Dove 28. Red Shouldered Hawk
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
There are no words.....................
I share the lyrics to this song, I am sure you know. When you get set free, of many spirits, evil spirits, LIFE BECOMES REAL and SWEET! Thank you ABBA, for ALL YOU HAVE DONE, I CAN ONLY IMAGINE, WHAT CRUCIFIXION WAS LIKE...... I ANTICIPATE THE NEW HEAVENS and THE NEW EARTH! SHALOM TO ALL WHO READ THIS!
How can I say thanks for the things
You have done for me?
Things so undeserved yet you gave
To prove your love for me
The voices of a million angels
Could not express my gratitude
All that I am, and ever hope to be
I owe it all to thee
To God be the glory, to God be the glory
To God be the glory for the things he has done
With his blood he has saved me
With his power he has raised me
To God be the glory for the things he has done
Just let me live my life and
Let it be pleasing Lord to thee
And if I gain any praise, let it go to calvary
With his blood he has saved me
With his power he has rasied me
To God be the glory for the things he has done
How can I say thanks for the things
You have done for me?
Things so undeserved yet you gave
To prove your love for me
The voices of a million angels
Could not express my gratitude
All that I am, and ever hope to be
I owe it all to thee
To God be the glory, to God be the glory
To God be the glory for the things he has done
With his blood he has saved me
With his power he has raised me
To God be the glory for the things he has done
Just let me live my life and
Let it be pleasing Lord to thee
And if I gain any praise, let it go to calvary
With his blood he has saved me
With his power he has rasied me
To God be the glory for the things he has done
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Freer and Freer!!
It's been a season of more and MORE freedom from the devil! Over these last few years, yes I have gotten freer and freer by not relying...
It has been over a year, nearly two since i actively used my camera. Since i don't drive, I am basically stuck at home and recently acq...
I have been coming through such a season. One which has been gradual in my healing. God is ever so much more clever than us, and HE knew tha...