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Monday, November 18, 2013

Who am I?

Honestly, I don't even know where to start this post............. Well, let's start with the sunrise. As the sun rose, I reflected on the night which was a breakthrough for me, and this is why! For several years I have awoken several times nearly EVERY NIGHT. I rarely sleep longer than 2 hours at a time. So I tend to go to bed early 8am or before, and get up oh maybe at 6- 8 am. In bed for maybe 10-12 hours and get maybe 6 hours of sleep. Of course there were many a night it was only about 4 hours or so. Now I love (for whatever reason) to make lists. I love to check things of a list as well. Soooo, as I got out my bird field guide, I was looking up a bird and ran across the check off list I have used in the back and just pondered, browsed the list of winged beauty that I had gotten to see one or more times. SOOO, that led to getting out my diaries of the years past to see what birds I saw when visiting other states, and that led to finding the FIRST journal/diary I started back in 1977 when I got saved. I started reading and saw the NICOLE (Nikki) back then. I read how much I loved my mom. Honestly in these last years, I keep reflecting on how much I didn't love her. So now am in a quandary. Yes I really did love her, but yes, could have done better at showing it. I have nearly 2 dozen journals and anticipate that over this next week, I am going to take my time, read them and learn about NICOLE. This might sound strange, but know it is good, I am also beginning to love myself. I am enjoying looking in the mirror. I am discerning that GOD is proud of me. I can see my angel, or angles doing High Fives in regards to my choices. AND can FEEL GOD'S love, honestly for the first time in my life in these last few months/weeks. Hey, I have been saved for over 30years. One posting in my diary/journal was about 5 months after I was saved, and my entry was this: Wednesday July 5th 1978 Yesterday I was born again. IT FEELS WONDERFUL to know I am going to heaven. Ye who believes on the Son hath everlasting life and I believe Amen YES! PRAISE THE LORD!! So this is a short posting, and I declare that this season I have come into, I am going to learn what my characteristics of NICOLE NANETTE are and what are not and let those go. What qualities that I have are on GOD'S CANVAS, and what are not and purge them. Never felt these feelings ever. Funny thing is, who is going to stay in my life and who will fly south. Most of my friends, honestly have left me, not knowing really what to do with me as I went and am going through such a deep, DEEP HEALING. It's my husband who has seen it all, and even I wasn't there to see what manifestations that I won't even share. So he is my best friend, next to ABBA. I love you CHARLIE!

Friday, November 8, 2013

How He Loves Us - Kim Walker / Jesus Culture

Saturday, November 2, 2013

I Made It To The Top and so can you...........

Don't give up (like i have done many a time).............. Earlier today my son CHUCK RAMIREZ, told me he was going on his hike that he frequently goes on. I asked if he would drop me off at Mission Trails Regional Park, and come pick me up when he would be done with his hike. TO make a long story short, I went with Charles (my son), and started hiking up that mountain. It was hard, and i had to stop several times in the first 1/2 mile. By the time we got up to the 3/4 mile i had to stop and told Charles just to go on, and i would wait, and so he went up to the top of COWLES MOUNTAIN. After several minutes of standing still, I felt restored and chose to go another 100 feet or so. To again make this story shorter........... I kept my focus to the view directly in front of me. Before I knew it........ I MADE IT TO THE TOP!!!!! Those of you that know me, know most everything that happens to me, has more than just the physical act that it is. There is a spiritual side to this and honestly WHY i wanted to make it to the top. This is the tallest peak in our city. So I declare I MADE IT TO THE TOP and have victory in JESUS NAME. Shalom to all who read this.. Last but not least is this............. I keep track of most birds i see every single day........ SO on this CLIMB up the mountain, I saw Ravens, (Not Crows), Red Tailed Hawk, Bushtits, Yellow Rumped Warblers, Bewicks Wren, Anna's Hummingbird, White Crowned Sparrow,MAYBE a western meadowlark,

Thursday, October 31, 2013

What color will you embrace this season??

This last week has been intense spiritually, emotionally, and it has ended VICTORIOUSLY. I keep noticing the color "purple". I keep seeing items that are purple and they just have my attention. Now let's see if you can follow me. One's back yard; be it in one's dream or in real life "CAN" mean the past, and then the front yard can and does mean one's current situation in life. Most everything has a spiritual meaning to it. One will be positive and then there most likely will be a negative one too. The goal of this posting is to share HOW GOD can and does talk to you and you most likely have never noticed before. Well in these last 24 hours, I have been noticing purple flowers. This morning October 31, 2013, I heard a birds call and KNEW (99%), it was the Costa's Hummingbird. Then I thought, how can that be when it's now winter? So I got my field guide out AND learned they stay here in San Diego all year long. WOW!! So I went outside to watch this little female and noticed she loves to sit perched in the (Lycianthes rantonnetii), which is the blue potato bush. I then noticed that most of the flowers blooming in my front yard are purple: Mexican Sage, Lycianthes Rantonnetii, Setcreasea 'Purple Heart', and of course the Hummingbird. NOW this is the 2nd part, it is in the front yard, and the front yard usually represents the present/future SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I declare that today and from this day forward, I am full of God's Royalty and HIS Princess. I usually get and even interpret ones dreams, and now you see that you don't need a dream to receive communication from GOD. Look around and see what grasps your attention, write it down, and I even give you permission to share it with me so as to grasp and understand what it means and what GOD just "might" be trying to get into your spirit.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Taking Communion in a new way..........

Taking Communion in a proper way. I have taken communion "most" of my life. And I have taken it in church mostly as well. In the last few years I have learned I can do communion in my own home, and of course in church. What I have learned is one must have the correct heart, a good humble spirit, for if one takes communion (I learned in these last few years), in an un~proper manner, be it unclean or the like, you can get illness, disease, even be cursed. Here is 1 CORINTHIANS 11:27-30 27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. 29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. 30 For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are so many tidbits in scripture that most of us don't see. We go to church and listen to sermons, get involved with activities, but not many of us sit at our kitchen tables or desks, get the concordance out, the bible, a notebook, and a pen........... and STUDY!!! I used to do this and have notebooks FULL of studies, and have neglected it for quite some time. Now I discern to get back into the WORD of GOD, and HE will show me some awesome hidden truths. JUST WANTED TO SHARE SHALOM WHAT TRUTHS DO YOU KNOW??

Freer and Freer!!

It's been a season of more and MORE freedom from the devil! Over these last few years, yes I have gotten freer and freer by not relying...