God, my Father in Jesus Christs Holy Name, I declare Thy Sovereignty, Power & Authority over this new day. I command this day and morning Oh, LORD according to YOU & YOUR Word. ~~~~
Job 38:12-13
"Have you commanded the morning___________; since you were born, and caused them the dawn to know it's place, that it might take hold of the ends of the earth, and the wicked shaken out of it? ~~~
Lord, I declare the dawn of the morning to align itself with the LIGHT and TRUTH of YOUR WORD. I declare YOUR WILL to be established upon the earth. Yes, for YOUR GLORY to shine upon our ways. LORD, Release YOUR Angelic hosts, to battle and conquer on our behalf. Send in YOUR Armies, oh LORD of GOD OUR FATHER, so as to defeat those forces of darkness that come against me, causing every tactical move of the evil enemy to flee.
Let the earth be filled more greatly with YOUR GLORY, LORD. May the fullness of YOUR PRESENCE dwell among me and YOUR People LORD. Let our prayers meet with the Heavens this morning, producing increase upon our earth. As our praises rise, resounding through the atmosphere, I declare it causes a Holy and Mighty rumble to shake the pits of hell and all that it contains.
Lord, by the power of YOUR NAME, I command every agenda, plan, scheme of the enemy of mine, to be annihilated, wrought ineffective, and useless in JESUS HOLY NAME!
I command the spiritual climate to shift for my/our favor, and for Heaven to intervene on my/our behalf. I prophesy to the 4 winds LORD; I prophesy the Breath of GOD, my Creator; to breathe upon the dry and arid places of this land that I live in. Yes, LORD, Bring Life to the dark and depleted corners of our planet earth, as well as every place there is an evil stronghold, or evil spirit of death, that is not of Your Hand. Send in YOUR Winds of Healing and Restoration Father, to heal and restore Our Land. HALLELUJAH
Let the conception of new LIFE bring about the birthing of Divine destinies. Let the womb of YOUR Promises be birthed upon the earth today, manifesting into their fullness. Go before me/us and make crooked places straight and rough places smooth, make every valley raised high, as well as those mountains before me/us level. I call for those rains of provision to shower down, as well as winds to soar above the problems below me/us. Breathe into my/our, life LORD-GOD; Breathe new life into my/our hopes, dreams, and GODLY Desires.
I Declare in JESUS NAME, that every bondage to be loosed this morning, in the Mighty Name of JESUS CHRIST. I Declare the freeing from anything that is binding, restricting, keeping me from moving forward in the LORD GOD JESUS, I Declare total freedom from anything holding me captive, enslaving me, whether a curse, evil spirit, or sinful past that has been repented of. I Declare every word curse IS Demolished, and no longer has any jurisdiction in or around my life. I bind all forces of darkness and every arrow thats been sent to main and wreck havoc in my life, I command it to be sent back into where it came from, and never to return.
I declare the eradication, total elimination from all strongholds; be they know or unknown. I declare the strongholds of infirmity, of witchcraft, religion, deaf and dumb, intimidation, anger, addictions, depression, victimization, orphan, fear, oppression, disease, confusion, chaos, death, abandonment, rejection, control ________________ , (name your stronghold evil): Every evil and premeditated assignment from the enemy must flee In JESUS CHRIST'S HOLY NAME!!!!
I now call forth GOD'S Healing Hand, The Wings of Healing in The Name of JESUS CHRIST. I declare GOD'S Healing, and Deliverance, Reconciliation, and the restoring of everything that the enemy has plundered, robbed, stolen, and has refused to give back, to me, my family, and families bloodlines.
I Decree and Declare A New Day, A New Season, A New Beginning, A Fresh Anointing, New Assignments, Increase in Income, Financial Breakthroughs, A Resurrection of Dreams, Rains of Blessing, The Flow of Increase, Winds of Renewal, Anointed New Friends, _____________; (name yours):AND A Stirring up of the Gifts that GOD put in Me & Filling Me with HOLY GHOST FIRE! I Declare that I am Healed, Delivered, and Set Free!!! I am living and walking in the manifested as well as supernatural blessings of God! In The Name of JESUS CHRIST!! Amen And Hallelujah!! DIVINE JUSTICE
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