I see more than most people do, in regards to spiritually. Be it colors or shapes, the weather or the floral beauty. There is always, ALWAYS a spiritual note to that which we see in the physical, natural world. Soo............. most people do not have a tortoise for a pet. I have miss henrietta maye. I have had dreams with her in them, and they are interpreted as myself. If you have a dream, about your pet, most assuradely it is you. So this season, I have a couple of rabbits, that have made this yard their home. They are mostly active at night (rabbits that is) and Henrietta this year, (upon coming out of hibernation early), has some delightful rabbits that visit her.
One day, I thought of the story of : The Tortoise and the hare. I grasped an anointing on this, and knew from some dreams, that I have had a little of both in my life. Being slow in many ways, but complimentary to victorious battles of mine. Then as rabbits/hares multiply quickly, that as well has started with ministry issues. Thank You ABBA! So if you have pets, pay attention, if you dream of them, for often the dream is about you. I have included some photography too of these cuties.
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