WOW, another WOW! Just going deeper with ABBA. I have never felt so good, and that is so interesting to me.... FOR the warfare this season has been tremendous in certain ways. Each of has different battles, and so often it is in areas that we as of yet don't have victory in yet: BUT WILL as we don't give up. Basically I am FEELING, EXPERIENCING everything from LOVE to fear. What I thought would be healing isn't for most of my life I have given, GIVEN. Be it a vase of flowers to a meal to others. This season I am FEELING, EXPERIENCING Love and though I have known the characteristics (from I Corinthians 13), of love, I now feel them and have accepted them. God is having me not give as much as receive. So whatever you haven't grasped, well may this be the season that you do grasp it, and receive it. Also I abhor waiting for most anything. As far back as I can remember, stuff has been promised to me, and though one will promise it to me (from birth parents, to acquaintances, family members, employees etc); well words have never met much to me.
God created by speaking it into existence. SO many of us speak it, and it comes to pass. May we pay attention to those words we speak. Last week I said, "that was smart Nicole", which was negative and I knew by the Holy Spirit, that saying that was not good and even based by a spirit of negativity. So I prayed against that spirit, and now am being aware of what I say and careful what I say. WOW, if we would be aware of what we say, we could have much less illness and so much more ugh! In closing, ask the Lord (and get a pencil and paper ready to write down what comes into you brain), Lord show me to focus on whatsoever things are pure (philippians 4:8). We will walk and live in such a better place when we do this.... SHALOM

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