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Friday, February 5, 2016

Moon, Venus, Mercury on February 6 |

Moon, Venus, Mercury on February 6 | Let the crescent moon guide you to Mercury as darkness wanes toward dawn on Saturday, February 6. And see all 5 planets before dawn!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Old Nicole is gone, the new Nicole is here!

It is very hard to describe the fact of being someone all your life, and that person isn't you. To live under a false identity is sort of hard to explain.  Over the last few years, well I have had new senses come to birth. Especially this month and this week especially my senses have certainly changed/intensified beyond description.  I honestly am amazed that I am even alive from what I have come through without emotion. For now simple joy is astronomically intense to me. Simple sorrow feels like someone has died. This blog post is a spiritual step of faith and obedience and I know many are  having their BREAKTHROUGH of a lifetime as well this month/week/season. ABBA, I pray that I will take the time to get to know myself in a new way, and accept, love, and enjoy myself. Thank you especially for the little goldfinches that YOU SENT to my yard this last week. That was and is such a wonderful present!!!   They have been all over the yard, and sitting in the ~~~~Blue Potato Bush   Royal Robe (Solanum rantonnetii), inches from my office window, just peering in at me. So wonderfully accepted from YOU.  So I declare the old Nicole is gone, and the Nicole You created is Alive and getting stronger as days proceed.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Field Trips with ABBA

I remember driving out and about in my county, and state.  I would go to lakes, parks, and just trails across the land. I would see life in an entirely different way than usual.  The eagle, the deer, the birds and coyotes.  It has been years since I have driven, so I certainly long and miss those days.  A friend, a sweet friend, and maybe as I allow her to love me, be my sister in Christ. It was so wonderful to go to a local lake (that was nearly dry a week ago), and see it nearly full, from these intense rains.  For years, I would list all the life, especially the birds I would see and hear in my bird diaries. I have never quite understood, why I love to list, List, LIST things, but have since childhood.  Then i would do lists of countries and their capitals, maybe the flowers of a certain nation and many more lists.      I anticipate more trips and even getting my drivers license again before the year is over. Here is the list from our trip on January 15th, 2016.  Shalom to all who read this…………

  1. Killdeer                                                                  14.   Great Tailed Grackle
  2. American Coot                                                       15.   Brewers Blackbird
  3. Common Moorhen                                                 16.   Red Winged Blackbird
  4. Mallard Duck                                                         17.   Northern Flicker
  5. Double Crested Cormorant                                    18.   Nuttals woodpecker
  6. Black Necked Stilt                                                  19.   Cedar Waxwing
  7. Canadian Goose                                                      20.  Black Phoebe
  8. Great Egret                                                              21.   Common Yellowthroat Warbler
  9. Northern Shoveler                                                   22.   Yellow Rumped Warbler
  10. Green Winged Teal                                                  23.    House Sparrow
  11. Cinnamon Teal                                                         24.    Song Sparrow
  12. American Widgeon                                                   25.     Cassins Kingbird
  13. Mallard                                                                    26.     Rock Dove                                                                                                                             27.     Mourning Dove                                                           28. Red Shouldered Hawk

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

There are no words.....................

I share the lyrics to this song, I am sure you know. When you get set free, of many spirits, evil spirits, LIFE BECOMES REAL and SWEET!  Thank you ABBA, for ALL YOU HAVE DONE, I CAN ONLY IMAGINE, WHAT CRUCIFIXION WAS LIKE......  I ANTICIPATE THE NEW HEAVENS and THE NEW EARTH!   SHALOM TO ALL WHO READ THIS!

How can I say thanks for the things
You have done for me?
Things so undeserved yet you gave
To prove your love for me
The voices of a million angels
Could not express my gratitude
All that I am, and ever hope to be
I owe it all to thee

To God be the glory, to God be the glory
To God be the glory for the things he has done
With his blood he has saved me
With his power he has raised me
To God be the glory for the things he has done
Just let me live my life and
Let it be pleasing Lord to thee
And if I gain any praise, let it go to calvary
With his blood he has saved me
With his power he has rasied me
To God be the glory for the things he has done

Freer and Freer!!

It's been a season of more and MORE freedom from the devil! Over these last few years, yes I have gotten freer and freer by not relying...