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Saturday, September 21, 2013


Doing my devotions one day, (before retiring)  I came across Psalm 29.  Of course most of us have read it before, even several times. But so often we only grasp stuff in the shallow end of the pool. Yesterday i read this and ended my day with this Blessed Psalm. I went to bed and the night was strange.  I won't nor need to go into detail, and then upon awakening (after several during the night), I was still burdened as I awoke and upon opening my Bible, I opened again to that very Psalm.  I pray that I grasp, soak in it, digest it, understand it and walk in this awesome Psalm. Here is it and I would so enjoy learning your nugget of the season or hour. Shalom

PSALM 29   A Psalm of David
Ascribe to the LORD, O sons of the mighty,
Ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. 
Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name;
Worship the LORD in Holy Array.

The voice of the LORD is upon the waters;
The God of glory thunders,
The LORD is over many waters.
The voice of the LORD is powerful, 
The voice of the LORD is majestic.
The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars;
Yes, the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.
He makes Lebanon skip like a calf,
And Sirion like a young wild ox. 
The voice of the LORD hews out flames of fire.
The voice of the LORD shakes the wilderness;
The LORD shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.
The voice of the Lord makes the deer to calve
And strips the forest bare;
And in His temple everything says, Glory!

The Lord sat as King at the flood;
Yes, the LORD sits as King forever,
The LORD will give strength to His people;
The LORD will bless His people with peace.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I am free and flying

Many of you don't know me, and those who do,  WILL CERTAINLY probably laugh at this posting.... Ready?   Here it is......
This is going to be a long posting too.
These last few weeks, I have been overcome, saturated with the word Shalom. I know what it means, but it means more than i realized. That is number one.  Number two is I enjoy, love Glory of Zion with Chuck Pierce established in Texas, and watch it whenever I can.  This month I was more than wanting to watch the conference, but HAD to, there was something I HAD to grasp, hold on to, and not let go of. It was a wonderful, awesome conference. I did miss two of the gathering though, and GOZ, posted them the next week (free of charge).  I knew the one i was drawn to the most and watched it.  WOW!  I have always know about the feasts in the old testament, the holidays etc, but never learned much about them, let alone celebrate them. I watched Robert Heidler the teacher of those holidays, and the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) was that Saturday.  September 13-14th, sundown to sundown.  I was actually nervous on the 13th and was wondering what was going to happen.
Let me share now some history.........
1957  I was conceived in my moms womb.                   2002  Mom died    
1958  I was born and abandoned by man                      2005 Looked for birth mom, found birth dad
1960   Legally adopted                                                 2006 demonic manisfestations started at night           1969  Adoptive dad died                                              searched, Searched, SEARCHED to be delivered
1977  God saved me (salvation)                                    2008  started having blankouts in the daytime
1979  Married (now for 34 years)                                 2013  Day of Atonement (truth revealed)
1980, 82, 90  gave birth to a son                                                     I AM FREE
September 13th came and I watched the sunset, and it was a quiet evening and I was alone, no family member was here but me.  I read and just soaked in the Lord.
The sun came up and I basically just read the word, laid on my bed, and just tried to not just hear, but listen if and when the Lord was to communicate. The day ended and i actually watched the shadow on my bedroom wall increase as the sun set.  I was amazed, for the Truth that came over me that day as i repented, was over the last 6-7 years with the manifestations; they basically stopped I think in 2009.  But last October, I had one, one night.  So I assumed that I was still possessed, and the blank outs continue. They are much weaker and shorter.  So Saturday, the truth that I hadn't grasped  DAH!   Was and IS the fact, that I am FREE of any demonic spirit, and the healing is almost complete. It makes me think of so many of us, THINK ever so much worse than what actually IS.
I had a dream years ago, it was the most vividest, intense dream of my life. I was in a battle for my identity (a purse in the dream) and it was a fight, for the woman i was fighting would not let go, but once I gave a very hard yank, and HAD now my purse (identity), she melted identically like the wicked witch of the east, in wizard of oz.  Pay attention to your dreams, most of the time they are the Lord wanting to communicate with you.  So in conclusion...........I AM FREE!!I AM FREE!!! Newsboys!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Compelled By Love - Teaser Trailer

JUST THINKING........................................

My husband is doing a job and had to park in a lot where he usually does not. Now that this job has started, i guess he just may park there more often. Hmmmmm...........   Anyway let's get to the subject matter that has greatly blessed me. He was walking to his truck and saw something on the top of the cab. As he got closer, he could see movement, and as he shared the story with me on the phone (during lunch i think), he described it from a distance and it looked like a small penguin. LOL~~  He continued walking and upon getting closer could tell it was a type of  jay. Now most know i am into birds, bugs, and other creation/life.  He called me asap, and told me this, and I was ever so moved, for though this new job started, and it's a little bit further away, the LORD blessed both my husband and I with a BIRD.  I love them winged creatures, feed the songbirds with seed in the backyard, also feed the jays, with peanuts. The bird he saw was a Yellow Billed Magpie and that IS a member of the jay family. LOL....   
So though this whole posting MIGHT not seem important, for me it was a delight that my husband had a bird setting atop his truck for such a time. Now it's my turn to see a Yellow Billed Magpie (never saw them before), saw a Yellow billed magpie jay, and they are an endangered species. OH YEAH, thought you would like to know........  LOL!

Intimacy-vineyard (playlist)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

What is "IT" that the LORD IS trying/attempt to have overcome you?  What is "IT" that you haven't let HIM do? What is "IT" that is probably right in front of you, and you don't even realize "IT" is there?               Deep breath.......
As christian's we know/realize alot, but do we experience,encounter and let "IT" and us be so one, that you can't separate the two.
So it "IT" forgiving yourself and/or others?  Does forgiveness need to overcome you like a wave, maybe even a Tsunami?  Or how about anger?  When one forgives so often anger goes out as the wave does.
Maybe you are a forgiving person, but you have walls up and won't let the Lord, let alone others love you! So often in both these areas (and many more) we actually lie to ourselves (thinking it is the truth), but we rely on our own understanding, instead of trusting God and His love for us.
So now let me humble myself and get all gooey (in front of you (ahhhh)).   SIGH..........     (and there isn't even anyone in front of me either, maybe one day this testimony will be though) DID I say that???        

OK.........  As i gave God my life, and He has done ever so much healing and deliverance from demonic activity and residence, from curse being broken and restoration/recovery as well as coming into a wholeness that I have never experienced. I actually FEEL emotions now. I never have like this and it is good, but can be ever so exhausting too.
Things have happened in the last few years that I can't work outside my home.  My first born son moved home as our economy has declined and that most certainly was and is a blessing.  More stuff happened and instead of having all 3 of us working from our home, now there is only 1 substantial wage earner.    Even more stuff has come into our lives that needs cash to persevere/keep going and so as a mom, I asked our kids for some help. (HUMBLING beyond words). So today when FED-EX came by and I signed for a item, i was wondering what i might be. Was it for me, my husband, one of my sons?  Since our first born is named after his dad, i still wasn't sure.  It took about a minute and then i realized it was for our first born son, and it took a little longer and I saw the sender. OH MY GOSH!  I realized it was our sons $, maybe his retirement........
I have been crying off and on ever since, for he did it for us, and our kids truly care, and I haven't ever felt the emotions of this season before. I guess I have been numb most of my life.  I realize the healing is from the childhood trauma, the curses, the witchcraft, and just the simple fact of Love is doing a remarkable, intense, nearly unfathomable healing in me.  Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles, and all other family members on this planet,  in this "TIME" we are living in, what is "IT" that God, Your creator IS restoring, that was stolen from you years ago!  I declare that you will see, acknowledge so as to let wholeness/recovery be 100% this season in you.
JOB 14:7-9
7 For a tree there is always hope. Chop it down and it still has a chance - its roots can put out fresh sprouts. 8 Even if its roots are old and gnarled, its stump long dormant, 9 At the first whiff of water it comes to life, buds and grows like a sapling. 

Freer and Freer!!

It's been a season of more and MORE freedom from the devil! Over these last few years, yes I have gotten freer and freer by not relying...