This am I had such a delightful dream and even most of my life, dreams have played a substantial role in my freedom. May I share this dream and my discernment on it? Thank you! ~~~~~~~~
I AWOKE ABOUT 5:30 AM, from this dream:
I had been on a bus and noticed there was no car in the driveway upon getting off, there was a long walk that I continued on. I had my camera, and I think a satchel or maybe a backpack. Not sure. As I walked on this sidewalk, the neighborhood wasn’t big and it was very quiet there. I had gotten off the bus for I noticed my house, and there was no car in the driveway, which communicated to me that there was most certainly no one home. Wonderful! I continued my walk and was so aware of the sweetest birds around. They were black and yellow; most likely grosbeaks. Wasn’t totally sure for they were in the topiary. As I walked up to the front door, I noticed it wasn’t locked. I turned the knob, and when I did the door opened. I went inside, and then looked outside the front window, and saw those sweet birds. LOL~~ Right now, as I am writing this dream down, there are some wonderful sweet, birds too, entitled great tailed grackles. LOL………… the ones in the dream were what I believe were yellow grosbeaks. THANK YOU, ABBA! Ok, back to dream. I looked over to the kitchen, and I thought I saw my mom. I looked again, and it was Holy SPIRIT. WOW, I awoke and was so wonderfully blessed with the sensations I was feeling!
What is so sweet to me, is that the colors of the birds were the colors of my high school. I have graduated and that is so wonderful! When I thought I saw my mom, and it was the Holy Spirit, I grasped/ discerned that many times Holy Spirit is like that mommy spirit. I can't really explain it, I just can feel it. Well I thought I would share my VICTORY! Shalom to you too~
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