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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

If you are reading this HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!   I take the time to thank our God and King Jesus Christ as well as YAHWEH, for my friends (who are family, and you know who you are, well I hope you do)! This is a short posting, and very simple~~~     I THANK MY GOD FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!!    Shalom, and God Bless!     Looking forward to this Holiday season.........
The turkey below says:  Gobble, gobble...   I flew out of the coop just in the nic of time.                     Nicole Nanette..........................

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Breakthroughs/ Dreams

I am not sure where to start here, without sharing nearly a lifetime of information............  
So as i proceed, IF you have any questions, PLEASE ask, for we:  be it humans, or maybe the church or ? THINK we understand a subject/situation but then we get added information and learn that which we didn't know before.  This is a real example I will share.......... ready?
I have had somethings that have been with me most of my life; so it is common/familiar for and with me. I have had many healing's and breakthroughs but within a few weeks, (though i am better, there is still a remnant of what was there to begin with). I have had dreams/ revelational information given to me, and in each case, yes there is wonderful healing, but one thing that has skyrocketed is what I call blank outs! So many I know get healed of be illness's/conditions and then within days/weeks, they seem to lose the healing.
This last season, my oldest son who lives here at home (he is over 30), and is in the military.  His dreams have been ever so pertinent/informational in several family members lives. He also is our first born male. (holy unto God)(Exodus 13:12; Luke 2:23).  He had a vivid dream and though I interpret dreams, and have had wonderful help from two books the Lord directed to read, by Ira Milligan.
The end result to the dream and a breakthrough that I have not been able to attain is this.............       IS this: to be delivered of all curses/demons and to do so,  you have to get 100%, freedom, and shut every spiritual door that is needed to be shut, so that they can't be able to be opened again.   So I have learned there needs to be prayer AND fasting done, AND for a specific amount of time AND way.  So many of us get temporary freedom and yes I have fasted, but as it was pointed out to me from this author; (Ira Milligan). Most people do a semi-fast, of a few days and some food. Daniels fast was 21 days long, and many a time I/we stop before our fast or even an assignment is finished. I am adopted and never realized that I not only could and did acquire that from my blood parents, but I

could and did get passed on generational stuff from my adopted parents as well. Personally I abhor waiting and have joked around, how I am a microwave person and rarely if ever a crock person. I love the quickest possible way to acquire the victory. Of course this stems from childhood as well, of being promised that which was never acquired.
I share this for nearly everyone of us, have that which we have prayed and prayed for and have not gotten yet. This season/year God is going to bring us to the place; (be it spiritual/emotional/etc); where we STILL need to have the victory we have not acquired yet. What is yours? I will get mine, "when" I start/be obedient/ and finish in God's timing, what and where HE directs me to go and do! Remember what Solomon spoke of........ To everything there is a season!  What season are you in...... I am in a season of victorious breakthrough and complete deliverance from all that has buffeted me.

A Time for Everything
      1There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—
      2A time to give birth and a time to die;
            A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.
      3A time to kill and a time to heal;
            A time to tear down and a time to build up.
      4A time to weep and a time to laugh;
            A time to mourn and a time to dance.
      5A time to throw stones and a time to gather stones;
            A time to embrace and a time to shun embracing.
      6A time to search and a time to give up as lost;
            A time to keep and a time to throw away.
      7A time to tear apart and a time to sew together;
            A time to be silent and a time to speak.
      8A time to love and a time to hate;
            A time for war and a time for peace.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Signs AND Symptoms

            The goal here in my posting IS to share/teach that many a time that we have Signs and/or Symptoms in our bodies, and most if not all the time ASSUME we have an illness when (those of us that understand the spiritual side of life), in reality it is only an oppressive/possesive attack from the devil, enemy, the dark side of this world. Many don't accept that there is even an unseen side of life or this world.
            When a person comes through a situation, or experience times of darkness, spiritual warfare, illness, and many other facets of evil, they KNOW true freedom, victory, and Salvation in Christ Jesus.  So many that have illness's from simple conditions like Asthma, to terminal illness's as Cancer, don't understand that much, MUCH are stemmed from generational curses of what could be witchcraft, divination, and several other such things. One can be bitter, resentful over people/situations in thier life both past as well as present, and that can open a door (spiritually), and allow illness in. One can have signs and symptoms such as a rash or maybe pain in a part of the body, and will go the doctor before they pray, Pray, or even Pray and Fast over those signs/symptoms. I personally have had many signs and symptoms of illness's, but have not seen a doctor over any of them. I have learned biblically so much about illness, and have embraced/used that knowledge/wisdom so as to shut doors, learn facets of GOOD HEALTH, and to walk as well as live in it.
              Let me share now about me, and if anyone has questions, FEEL FREE To ask. I have over the last few years been blanking out (not passing out, just having ALL black out, and then coming to). I dont faint, just have time missing. This starting happening sometime after finding my biological dad. I learned after finding him, about all the witchcraft done to me as an infant. Then some years passed and I learned of the molestation done to me by my adopted dad.
Over the last few years,  my healing (now complete), has gradually come to pass. First done I believe, one curse at a time. One healing then another. As my healing has intensified and become more and more complete, I would continue to have some signs and symptoms of the childhood trauma, that I had endured.  God has been teaching me and now I have learned it greatly, that even though I still had/have some of those signs/symptoms, that I am healed. That has been one of my greatest breakthroughs.
Most of us will get a sign/symptom of something and automatically believe/diagnose/acknowledge that we have a disease/condition that the enemy "tries" to give us.  Of course we can as well get something from the enemy because of sin, and that is a whole nother posting/chapter/subject. This posting is to share, be aware of the condition(s) of our bodies; become aware and utilize God's directions in how healing is imparted, acquired, as well as how illness's, conditions of our health can be and most certainly can be healed, good, and blessed by grasping and understanding that so often the answer IS in SCRIPTURE.    Before I share scriptures, here are some words, and you can do a word search in your bible, or online, maybe at
Here are some scriptures to start and show you some in ones healing. Now to learn MORE, do a word study on healing/bitterness/resentment

Proverbs 3:5-8      Malachi 4:2     James 5:14       Proverbs 17:22    Psalm 91:1-3     Proverbs 16:24

In closing, I have just touched the base of a mountain in regards to healing/illness/freedom.                       Contact me, and/or do the word study suggested above.

Photography by Nicole N

Photography by Nicole N

Saturday, October 11, 2014


In a vision I keep seeing a steak cooking. The Spirit says; the natural inclination is to cut off the fat before the steak has begun to cook, so many try to do the same spiritually. But as you begin to offer your lives on the altar, I leave the fat on, I leave and "let" the troubles, the trials, and the things that make you tender towards Me. All of those things that you would cut away, those are the things that I allow in your life to make you tender. Those very things that you would cut away are the very things that I use to cause you to draw closer to Me, to cause you to seek Me, to make you stand regardless. So that once you have gone through the difficult times, your faith will arise, and you will let nothing deter your heart from Me any longer. These are some of the things that I use, says the Lord, I use those things to build your God-character, the man and the woman that will be like Me.

So, even though you pray, and yes you should pray and come against every temptation, every trial, every test, but know that I am using some of these to cause you to grow up, to cause you to have a tender heart towards Me, to develop great endurance and patience with joy. To develop ears to hear Me and know Me, to be sensitive towards Me. Be discerning and know that even as you stand against the attacks of the enemy, know the things that he means for your harm, I turn and use them for your good and growth. Be wise and understand that at the right time when your heart is very tender, I cut those things away, little by little so that you will be tender towards Me and Me alone and. You will have the season of your Father God throughout your very life.

This is My plan and this is My desire for you. Never forget that everything that has come across your life, has been noted by Me, so if you will let Me, I will use it to make you tender, to make you more flavorful, to make your more seasoned like Me. It is My plan and it is My purpose, though the enemy means those things to destroy you, I turn them to your good!

"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light." (Col. 1:9-12)
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy], yet so that men cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end." (Eccles. 3:11)

Freer and Freer!!

It's been a season of more and MORE freedom from the devil! Over these last few years, yes I have gotten freer and freer by not relying...