Contact Form for PhotographybyNicoleN / SHALOM


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Thursday, October 5, 2023


What a season! I have had many a time of tears, such emotion that I have never experienced in my life! I have been experiencing such glorioius~ Holy manifestations. I am 65 years young, and have been trying to get free, delivered, and healed for over 10 years. I've gone to more events than listed and though I have been getting glorious freedom; it's been one issue after another. I am simply thanking YESHUA for all HE is doing, be it immediately or in time too. I am praying for more and more victories as GOD directs me, ever so much this season! Thank YOU GOD for all YOU'VE Done, are Doing and will do in my life, Oh LORD GOD! Am praying, declaring as well as decreeing for your victory, healing and deliverance too! Standing firm on GOD'S Promises and Words! Thank You YESHUA!

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Simply sharing my Group, that I started and now marketing and giving wonderful sales on ever so many products!

Saturday, July 1, 2023

GOOD MORNING: Well whatever time of day it is, I DECLARE IT'S GOOD! ALL Glory to Our GOD & CREATOR! I simply want to share that it's been a season of such Awesome Freedom, Healing and Deliverance's that only GOD can DO! I am freer than ever before and GOD our CREATOR set me free in some very unique ways! It's ever so Wonderful simply to be alive! More and more freedom, healing and REDEMPTION every day! Thank YOU YESHUA! I am getting back into the marketplace and simply sharing what I currently have to offer. From books to framed photography, and my list is endless. I have my email too; Please ask me ANY questions of your choosing, for when I am at events to sell my work, I am asked time and time again IF I have ___________________________, (be it a flower, landscape, maybe a photo of transportation and so many other items. Some items are still wholesale and more. Yes I continue on my social media too. I look forward to connecting however GOD chooses. I am sharing several links and from postings before, there are some there too! SHALOM

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Tis such a Intense season! This posting is simply to share more work and contact information! God Bless! Please feel free to ask any questions! I offer ever so much. Be it a simple greeting card, to photography of $100. I have books, both e-books as well a book to display like National Geographic!

Thursday, October 13, 2022

My New Photography Account Page I simply am sharing this new place where I am posting hundreds of my images of work. I always used flickr before, yet times are changing for many of us, and I have learned how to make collections, albums and more to organize the hundreds of images that I have. I have a store too, and will post it here at the end. All my greeting cards are just $3 each from 1 ~ 10 cards purchased. If more than 10 are bought, then I drop the price to only $2.50 per card. I have more details, message, email me with any of your questions. Here is my email, if you want to use this. Oh! If you would like a photograph on a mousepad, a t-shirt or dozens of other products, I have a cafepress, redbubble account and more. Here are those links.

Freer and Freer!!

It's been a season of more and MORE freedom from the devil! Over these last few years, yes I have gotten freer and freer by not relying...