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Monday, July 18, 2016

Do you focus looking vertically OR horizontally?

I was reading a blog posting from a brother in the Lord ~~ Joe Dawson.  It is exactly what I have been doing as of late. With all the activity on this planet and I am sure in the universe we live in, most of us spend more time focused on the that evil, rather than focused on the good, (and yes there is good in many places, just take time to LOOK for it).  So often when signing into social media, I see people posting dozens of items of the negative activity all around, and just think if we posted declarations, scriptures and an occasional news article. I have read before...........                                                          Finally brothers/sisters in the Lord, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virture, and if there be any praise, think on THESE THINGS!
Phillippians 4:8
Now here is the article that shares in detail about what/how to focus on. Please Read it.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Overcoming unbelief and not feeling worthy enough!

You know no one is perfect! No one!  Only God is perfect!   So the next time you "feel" like God is going to use you, or can't use you, well   JUST REMEMBER THIS!!

  • Abraham was too old
  • Isaac was a daydreamer
  • Jacob was a liar
  • Joseph was abused and tortured
  • Moses stuttered alot
  • Gideon had some FEARS
  • Rahab was a harlot/prostitute
  •  Jeremiah was too you as was Timothy too
  • David  had lust issue with an affair AND
  • David was a murderer too
  • Elijah had suicidal issues
  • Jonah ran away from GOD
  • Naomi was a widow
  • Job lost most everything, and went bankrupt
  • Peter denied Christ repititiously
  • The disciples fell asleep while they were praying
  • Martha worried most all the time
  • That Samaritan woman, she was divorced (more than once)
  • Zaccheus was tiny, too small
  • Paul was very religious (religion isn't good)
  • Timothy had ulcers
  • AND ...............................  LAZARUS died, was dead!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 A poor background does not disqualify anyone from a great and wonderful future with the Lord, or even to be used of God in powerful ways.  Everything can change today. Of course we want to move out of dysfunctional types of behaviour, and Praise GOD, we rejoice in knowing there is hope for ALL!  God is no respecter of persons.  Quit making excuses now, and do that which you have procrastinated over and about.   SHALOM~~~~

Friday, May 27, 2016

It's time to emerge~

When I think of emerging I grasp either the butterfly coming out of it’s cocoon, or maybe a bear coming out of it’s hibernation.  I have been in a literal hibernation: (basically in my home, no transportation)(Others will pick me up and take me places),(most of my art/photography has been dormant as well). God is bringing many (if not all) out of that place that they/me have been hibernating in. Most have a car and drive, so thier/your hibernation is of another sort. Maybe they/you are not much into social gatherings, or maybe they have abandoned thier yard work.  This is the season/time to either pick up or start that which hasn’t been done yet, or in awhile. So, take that step of action/faith and quit thinking/talking about it and do it!  Sounds like a Nike commercial.  Ready, Set, Let’s GO

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Before the Revival of God's People!

Who remembers what happened in 1906?  WELL?  Earthquakes galore . . . .  Here is a link to see in detail.       Here in this month of April, we have had oodles of Earthquakes above 7.0,  &  the  is a LINK of our planets volcano activity!   It is time to use wisdom, not just your knowledge, and stock up as God prompts with water and other items to get you through a week or more with no electricity. I KNOW GOD IS UP TO SOMETHING BIG, and yes the fruit is REVIVAL!  But what most don’t want to hear, or pay attention to is WHAT HAPPENS BEFORE THE REVIVAL!  It is time not to just hear, but listen, be aware of and HEED what the Spirit IS Speaking to the church, be it through the Prophets, Apostles, Teachers, Evangelists, and/or Pastors. Yes start listening and take action. We have become a very docile people, and it is time to take action as God prompts, and leads  REALLY!!!                                                                                                       THE EARTH DECLARES THE GLORY OF GOD!

Monday, April 4, 2016

My Baby Girl!! ~~~~ Henrietta Maye

My baby girl…………. So many of us have pets. Well did you know that so often WHEN you dream, and and you dream of your pet, if usually is interpreted as YOU! YOU are God’s adorable pet! So, in sharing this, I dreamt of Henrietta Maye some years ago, and she was about 2-3 feet tall, up on all fours, and she was LIVID/ ANGRY!!!!   I learned that week, i needed to angry at the enemy, and NOT SIN! I dreamt again of her a few months ago, and this one, was just simply her coming out of her burrough. (she is a desert tortoise, and hibernates every winter), so, I Knew it was time to come out of my burrough. (get out of my house and get involved into REAL LIFE).  So in sharing this…………………… ................. Here is Henritta maye, eating, what I provided for her. Some romaine lettuce, some rose petals, and mexican primrose. BTW, If you know me, and know you will see me, I am looking for hibiscus flowers. Let me know, and I will buy/trade for them. SHALOM TO YOU!

Freer and Freer!!

It's been a season of more and MORE freedom from the devil! Over these last few years, yes I have gotten freer and freer by not relying...