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Saturday, May 9, 2015


Many are getting healed and getting set free!  Let us put the period at the end of this declaration in the form of an exclamation mark!  Simple and Sweet! What are you getting set free of?  Be careful of those words spoken in your life and maybe at the end of every day take authority of all words spoken over you, by you, to you and declare that victory already won, that healing too, as well as the victorious finalization of that which you have settled, finished and overcome, by the word of your testimony, the blood of the Lamb, loving not ones life unto death. Revelation 12:11
 The greatest note of triumph ever sounded in the ears of a startled universe was that sounded on the Cross of Christ— “It is finished!” (John 19:30). That is the final word in the redemption of humankind.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Psalm 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ADONAI IS MY LIGHT AND MY SALVATION;   Whom do I need to fear?  ADONAI is the stronghold of my life;  of whom do I need to be afraid. When evildoers assailed me to devour my flesh, my adversaries and foes, they stumbled and fell. If an army encamps against me, my heart will  not fear; if war breaks out against me, even then will I keep trusting.    Just on thing have I I asked of ADONAI, only this will I seek: to live in the house of ADONAI, all the days of my life.  to see the beauty of ADONAI, and visit in His Temple. For He will conceal me in His shelter, on the day of trouble, He will hide me in t he folds of His tent. He will set me high on a rock. Then my head will be lifted up above my surround foes, and I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, sing praises to ADONAI.

Listen, ADONAI, to my voice when I cry; show favor to mel and answer me.  My heart said of you,”Seek my face.”   Your face,  ADONAI, I will seek.  Do not hide Your face from me, don’t turn your servant away in anger. You are my help don’t abandon me; don’t leave me, God my Savouir.  Even though my father and mother have left me, ADONAI will care for me.  Teach me Your way, ADONAI; lead me on a level path, because of my enemies——  don’t give me up to the whims of my foes; for false witnesses have risen against me, also those who are breathing violence.
If I hadn’t believed that I would see ADONAI’S goodness in the land of the living,…………    Put your hope in ADONAI, be strong, and let your heart take courage! Yes, put your hope in ADONAI!

Friday, April 24, 2015

A Time to persevere, not to give up and declare your victory.................

I am guilty of giving up a moment, a day, or just a segment/facet of time before the victory 
I do have in God/Abba! I love to use the microwave and not the typical oven/stovetop. 
I abhor waiting, for most things I have waited for, been promised of by mankind, rarely come to pass. But this is the season and hour that is changing; well for me anyway!  I also abhor to fight, but growing up, I fought and won, in regards to my younger brother. I beat him up alot.  Now I abhor confrontation in many ways. So as I don't usually play games (have worked jigsaw puzzles most of my life),  on the internet, or board games, well recently 
I have played one game : Candy Crush.  I stopped for I got stuck on a level, well : 
From a recent blog I found :  When I look at the design of it, each level is a little square puzzle, connected by a track,  and as each puzzle is solved, I then move on the track to the next level. Some levels are easier to pass than others and, I'll admit, there have been a few levels that I got stuck on. When faced with this "adversity,"  I could have given up.  I could have thrown my phone.  I could have researched cheat codes. I could have whined and cried,  lamenting my misfortune.  I could have paid for an upgrade.  Instead, I relied on the generosity of friends (ie. free lives and extra moves) and just kept persisting until I got to the next level, knowing that eventually I could beat it.      Candy Crush's Game

Now I will do better when I am stuck, and thinking it will never end. I have heard for years, that it is so often darkest before the dawn, and this is true for all of us. Each of us have areas, where we give up, or even refuse to try. We allow others and their words/actions keep us in denial of the real issues at hand.  So now, whatever it is you have an issue with, be it finishing what you start, keeping your mouth shut, or just open it.  How about instead of complaining about stuff, jump in and help. You most likely are a teacher, and because no one listens, maybe you quit telling others your point of view.  Or, instead of saving all that money, start spending it, wisely of course. Don't always buy the least expensive, but try a more regal of a product, a more valuable item. Ok, it is TIME for victory in that which you haven't had victory, or maybe just a partial victory. YEAH GOD! 

Freer and Freer!!

It's been a season of more and MORE freedom from the devil! Over these last few years, yes I have gotten freer and freer by not relying...