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Thursday, November 30, 2023

I AM FREE, Totally, Completely of all that I have fasted about!!!!

I have been going on fasts for several years. Praying & Fasting be it a few days to weeks. Be it meals, internet, foods, and/or ingredients of foods. I would get free of some evil, yet the blank outs remained. I had a manifestation of something like battery acid, in which I believe was jezabel. Which was an evil entity in the old testament of the Holy Scriptures/ Bible. Well, a few days had passed and what "seemed" to come back, (in part); keep getting weaker and weaker until the LORD; sent into my life, what a dream told my son, that GOD sent "His" Angels into my life. I must say, WOW! It's a whole new world;(so to speak).... My thinking is so much clearer and stronger than before. The evil manifestations are over with, which include no more seizures. THANK YOU YAHWEH! Amen & Shalom! Here are my links where I store my work. What I have to offer you, if you like what I have. GOD Bless you too!

Freer and Freer!!

It's been a season of more and MORE freedom from the devil! Over these last few years, yes I have gotten freer and freer by not relying...