Contact Form for PhotographybyNicoleN / SHALOM
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
OK, TIME TO SHARE....... I have been at a christian conference here in Las Vegas. ICLV. Anyway though I have been saved since 1977, There are NO WORDS to describe yesterday. I will try though BECAUSE I wanT to encourage you, YES YOU! The prophets and many that edified and shared what GOD IS DOING, was beyond measure. I am even sore from dancing and shouting to the LORD. OUR, YOUR prodigals are about to return this year, We are going to have the biggest revival in recorded history. THAT Breakthrough that you have longed, prayed, and been waiting for, will be birthed too this year. That which man hasn't been able to do, GOD WILL DO, and HE WILL HAVE THE GLORY! Those of us who have trusted GOD with ALL our hearts, as well as been Waiting, will have those breakthroughs beyond description. I am sore from shouting to the LORD, Dancing with flags, and exhausted from PRAISING OUR GOD AND KING! I may/might even have a encouraging word for you, just message me. I will give contact information out. ALSO, the bigger those battles, the longer, the uckier, THE BIGGER YOUR VICTORIES, BREAKTHROUGHS and MORE GLORY of GOD, Than you can imagine. Wow and I believe you and I can and do imagine ALOT! Shalom~~~
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Nicole Nanette's TIMELINE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 3 yrs.
Was in Pennsylvania on vacation with parents and at grandmas’ house in the snow.
- 4yrs
Our pink Cadillac,
sitting in the backseat (nice car)
- Dream first
remembered. Was on my tricycle and going around a mountain. Got to the
top, and saw a baby floating deep within it. It floated up, and I tried to
catch it, but didn’t. Tried a 2nd time, again, didn’t. Tried
one more time, a 3rd time and this time I did catch the infant.
Kindergarten game, peeking when
others would hide the bee under the flowers/ birthday party at Knott’s Berry
Farm in the tree house’s
Mom finding out that I stole
goodies (popcorn balls etc.) from store and put them under the front seat of
car, then told me that the manager could put me in the safe.
Swimming lessons at the new
neighborhood pool... remember when he
shoved my head under the water. Did
learn to swim though OH! Cindy Ramsdale
used to teach me, and we played school.
8 yrs.
Dad found me and my brother in the
bathroom as we noticed we each had different bodies. Then he stripped us and
threatened us that he was going to bring the neighbors over and let them see
us. We had to stand butt naked in the living room for a designated amount of
time. Maybe an hour.
Found bird nest and eggs that were
blue in the bamboo plant, when we lived on Morningside St.
10 years
Had a cool friend named Kim Lishman
and we took string and connected it between our homes and sent each other
messages. Dad lied to me about go-go,
our dog. He promised that our dog would
be at the destination we had, which was Pennsylvania.
Adoptive dad died of lung cancer. Was touched sexually by 2 men while in
Twas blamed for stealing from aunt.
They blamed me for I am adopted, and her grandchildren would never do that.
Learning to type in Junior High, as
well as my mom getting diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Attending the 7th day
Adventist church with Helen Ownings as my mom requested.
Slumber party and girls played with
Ouija board: NOT ME!! I had such a FEELING of not to even touch it!
Needed some electives for
graduation, so took Photography just for the credits. Since I had a crush on a
senior, I started going to the track meets and took pictures. My teacher loved
my work and strongly suggested I enter them in the county fair. I did and won 2nd
and 3rd places in all my work. Also, another guy on the track team
had a crush on me, and by the end of the year we were dating. (we finally got
married and still are together 2018)
Charlie (my boyfriend) and I used
to go and walk up to his house, and his dad, let me know NOT to come up
anymore. He died of diabetes before that year was over, and it was March 17th,
my birthday, when he passed away.
Graduated High School and went to Disneyland for Senior Grad Night with Charlie. Remember
being all gooey with kissing ETC
Got saved and left boyfriend
- 21
June 2nd: GOT MARRIED to
my only boyfriend (Charlie)
- 22
Had 1st child on June 28th,
1980. 4 hours labor/natural/Bradley
course childbirth.
- 23
Got pregnant once again (2nd
- 24
Had 2nd child on
September 23, 1982 / belabored LABOR, but still natural / Had friend take some pictures
- 25
Raising 2 boys ~~ Charles William
and Daniel Nehemiah
- 26
Lord Heal my hurts/Class at Skyline
Wesleyan Psalm 139 spoke to me HUGELY, and was the first time such happened to
- 27
Had a passion to study scriptures/Strong’s
- 28
Helped/volunteered at Woodside
Christian so as to help with tuition.
(1) Accident
with Gold Subaru. Man ran red
- 29
Continued helping at my sons’
- 30
Got into refunding/couponing DID
- 31
Got Pregnant for the 3rd
- 32
Had 3rd son on March 18th,
- 33
(2) Accident which totaled my car.
Hit by drunk driver. / Raising kids, homeschooling Chuck and Daniel
- 34 Left
Lakeside Wesleyan Church without telling Charlie ~ went to El Cajon
Wesleyan Church / (3) Accident from ice on road.
- 35
Sold groceries as a business at
swap meet and my home
- 36
Met Lucas Marcotte/ He taught me very well scripture I Corinthians 13 / (4)
Totaled Toyota in Dec
- 37
Continued to sell groceries at swap
meet. Homeschooled as well
- 38
Nothing new, being mom, selling groceries,
living life
- 39
Son got hit by a car while still in apt at grape street. Moved to Verdin St. / Our first HOUSE/HOME
(btw) verdin is the name of a songbird, and I didn’t know this until
after we moved in.
- 40
Bought our
house/home on Verdin St. (5) Accident in
La Mirada, Ca. Traffic Jam.
- 41
Wanted so much more of God and knew
there was more and was passionate about finding that place.
- 42
Changed to Pepper Drive Assembly of
God. Got filled with Holy Spirit, with speaking in tongues. This happened
gradually, as a lot of my victorious situation have been.
- 43
My mom passed away Feb 11th, 2001. Started Health Care
- 44
Finished and Graduated CNA School.
Was prayed for at Assembly of GOD on pepper drive/fell down for the first time.
(6) Accident with Toyota/totaled
- 45 started taking
pictures with my Canon AE-1
Acquired Desert tortoise (Henry)
got it checked out and it is female and so I named her: Henrietta Maye. Worked as CNA
- 46
((April 4th, 2004) I saw
the bald eagle at Lake Henshaw)).
Started going to Cloud 9 Worship Center. Bought Fuji digital camera
- 47
Went to several conferences, from Texas, Colorado and northern
- 48
Found my birth dad, though I was
looking for my birth mom. Drove to Laguna Beach even and knocked on the door of
WHERE, all the trauma happened I believe. Philip my son called me and told me
that a man called that he thought was my dad. I called that number, left a
message, and then he called me back.
From: David
- 49
January. I believed Charlie
delivered me of demon, went to the abyss and Charlie was the Deliverer.
(full moon) (7) Totaled Jeep
Cherokee March 15th, 2008. First Blank Out/ seizure.
Sold at my first Earth Day after
friends had nagged me over a year to start selling my stuff
- 50
Started FOCUSING on selling my photography
- 51
Had my first book self-published by CSN The Earth Declares - 52
I won a Victorious Battle in a
dream with woman melting (woman melting spirit of Jezebel) THE MOST INTENSEST
- 53
(8) Accident totaled mom in law
vehicle/after blank out/CDL taken away
- 54
Left cloud 9 worship center
- 55
Realized that I WAS DELIVERED in 2009
and being healed ever so deep. I anticipate TOTAL healing soon.
I have had more deliverances than ever: (from deaf and
dumb to curses and more) and each one, I thought was the last. Am presently
learning about Birthrights that are not ours, be it coveting another’s, to even
having it generationally, maybe even marrying into it
Just was on tehilllah dreams and found a memory I need to put down
my mom gave me a camera in elementary
school when we had a field trip.
in high school I was in photography (have no idea why I took it) but fell in love with it.
got married in 1979 and took very few pictures until about 7 years ago,
it took LOTS OF PEOPLE to encourage me to sell my art. So, to prove them wrong I went to an earth day fair, I SOLD OVER $200 worth of cards.................
so here I am, with my first book out and hope to sell some more
(someone here wants me to keep one for them, next month I believe they want to buy it)
in high school I was in photography (have no idea why I took it) but fell in love with it.
got married in 1979 and took very few pictures until about 7 years ago,
it took LOTS OF PEOPLE to encourage me to sell my art. So, to prove them wrong I went to an earth day fair, I SOLD OVER $200 worth of cards.................
so here I am, with my first book out and hope to sell some more
(someone here wants me to keep one for them, next month I believe they want to buy it)
a quick
note (God is delivering me of a 400-year curse, that when HE prompts me, a book
will be written about it) I also have a book to get published entitled
to everything there is a season October 2014
to everything there is a season October 2014
I KNOW this, that THAT which I have been battling with is OVER WITH!
Healing is still in progress but ALL the Chains from that ISSUE are
over. It's time to go and do once more. I quit doing ever so much, and
have dwelt in "self this", and "self that", oh of course self-pity too.
I am to no longer gaze behind, though "stuff" still needs to be dealt
with, you know like when you have been hurt, the surgery is over and now
it's time to rehabilitate, and honestly, even that is almost done as
well. My focus shall be with the present, with God, and whatsoever
things are good. In this world, we so often focus on the bad and the
ugly, and forget the good. So, this day and it surely is cold as well as
a dark time of year, for the shortest day is coming up, well THEN things
in our lives, will be getting brighter and brighter. REALLY! MY CHAINS
son Charles had a dream (he has the most intense dreams, and this one was:
Nov 8/9 / 2014
In my dream, I woke up from my bed in the middle
of the night. I went into the
kitchen. Joseph appeared at the backdoor
and came in. He was a younger version of himself and his eye wasn't messed up.
I turned around and another one of him appeared out of nowhere by the
microwave. I freaked out bc something wasn't right. The second Joseph came in
the living room and jumped on the entertainment center and just froze in
place. The other one was lying
motionless on the couch. Another little
kid was in the room. I think it was Phil
or Dan. I yelled for mom and dad to come
check this out. My mom came in and told my dad something was messed up between
heaven, hell, and earth. It was like something was wrong with a portal. Dad
grabbed his bible and started reading through it, like he was trying to find an
answer to this problem. I looked/walked out back in the yard and there was a huge
thick white wall in the middle of the yard. I didn't look up to see the top,
but I believe it was 100s of feet tall. I think it was about 6ft thick and 20
ft wide. My mom was out there looking at the wall too. I think my dad was on the porch. I think the next cat that came back was
Samantha. We weren't letting them in. It was like they were demons or something
that weren't supposed to be here. Stuff rising from the dead and multiple
versions of them seemed bad since we knew it really wasn't them. They were something else. I came back in. I
felt like something was trying to get into the house. I looked out the front
screen door and saw Nike and some other cats just show up out of nowhere. There
was an orange feral cat and another orange less threatening cat at the door
too. The feral cat wanted in and was hissing at me. I started hissing back at it and hitting the
screen door to get it away. There was a tear in the metal door too, like from
an old rust spot. I opened the door briefly and looked under the AC and
cinnamon wanted to come inside. I pushed
her away and shut the door and looked at mom and said, "it happened."
Cinnamon is here. I then started looking in my computer for viruses. It was
like this was happening bc there was viruses/curse on my computer. We started
running all kinds of scans and pop-up windows started appearing. It was like whatever was doing this didn't
want to be found. We kept trying to fix it,
but nothing was showing up. I thought maybe I asked mike since he knows
computers. He asked me questions about
software I had on to remove the virus.
He then logged into
a website or software that used an outside computer to scan my
computer rather than
have my computer scan itself.
His login was~~mikeknowseverything~~and the password was~~
I Woke up with the word David or King David in my head. Saw a guy with an image of a crown.
I contacted Ira Milligan and was encouraged to fast. Now,
Charlie already was on a fast. Over the next few weeks, I manifested one night,
and Charlie was used to deliver me of a demon.
December 2014
I continue to have blank outs and keep declaring I am free; the
enemy has no power over me. 2015 comes
and as the year progresses, a percentage of blank outs are only attempted. A
shift certainly has happened. I continue to declare I am free, and the enemy
has no power over me.
Summer 2015
I am reminded of the dream I had when I child, where I rode my
tricycle around a mountain with nothing inside it. The dream was basically colorless,
and I am not sure if IT is of the Lord or not. I just keep on “trying” to focus
on the good and not the UGH. I embraced
/ caught myself the 3rd time I floated up towards the rim of the
mountain. I the child embraced the infant.
I have this license plate that is from Virginia …………. jln 5746 ………………………….
I was conceived in 1957, born in 1958. I was saved in 1977,
December. I married then in June 1979.
November 2015
This season has been quite breathtaking (good). I thought ALL the spirits/demons were
gone. My husband Charlie went on a fast
as he desired to. It was 15 days, and when it ended, he told me I manifested a
spirit that night and he took authority over it, got rid of it. I came to and it was the middle of the night,
and Charlie told me what happened. I
could barely believe there was another one, but those blank outs were still
occurring. I had planned to go the
conference with Rob Radosti; and so, I attended. He was once a satanist and when the end of
the first evening came, he prayed for those who needed more cleansing,
etc.…………. I went forward and claimed
the prayer. Came home that night and
went to bed. I awoke Sunday, A NEW
CREATION! There are no words to describe
what one feels when they have lived their entire lives as someone else. The
basic feelings of hot and cold are not the same. Some what I thought was good,
is bad, and vice versa. Colors are brighter, Words have more authority and
power than I have ever imagined. I have
been told and prophesied openly MANY TIMES, and I have kept many of them. My son has had dreams showing my victory, I
could list 200 statements that have and will come true. I Know now, what before I thought………………. I AM FREE! Shalom
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It
is 2017 and there is still some lingering evil in my life. Lots has been purged but am waiting for the
ugh through the Ramirez bloodline to be purged.
Trust and waiting. We are in Las
Vegas and getting set free more and more.
We lost our house on Verdin, on May 13th and had several
yard sales. Gave away Henrietta to a man that said, he would care for her
properly. We left California May 23rd. We came to Las Vegas, saw
Larry and Jody Hamilton at ICLV. Went on
to Texas, Daniel and Ashley, then to Alabama, for Alice and The Bruners. Came back to Las Vegas, for Charlie said the
Lord put this city in his spirit. I have learned ever so much of how GOD IS
HEALING/ DELIVERING me of more than I can presently fathom. Have a had a few sales from new clients, and
customers, both friends and business’s Abba shared with me, Charlie could get a
job for I was ok to be left alone.
It is now October 19, 2017, and I have come through what
I believe is a portal. I also had
victory over evil / fear. Still taking
authority over the evil that continues to attack. (seizures) Have had some
wonderful dreams.
It is now December 21, 2017
I have been getting set free of ever so much. I could feel/ discern in this last week, the
enemy trying to come back. Today I got
up and started my set free book again.
WOW: then did some emotional
healing with the DVD of Paul M. Goulet Pastor at ICLV. I also signed onto Pastor James Crawford’s /
House of David, through Facebook. I got
a notice on my timeline about something I posted a year ago. Chuck Pierce and so I watched it. Benny Hinn was on as well, it was his show. I
took notes and did more, I mean followed more directions and got rid of more
evil. I have been on a fast too. This day has been pretty and free, of most
evil. I can still discern stuff, but GOD, has brought me this far, I pray I
discern and follow directions.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2018
~ January
I see that there are more layers getting peeled off, and
I love Pastor James’s group. Pastor also
has me teaching/ heading up a dream group for House of David. Wonderful~~
God has been showing me the number 17 at least a dozen
time daily, every day for almost a month.
Even a 3 and then 17. I am
learning how GOD gives me the victory prophetically. I see it, THEN IT HAPPENS!
Charlie is working wonderfully at LOWES, here in Las
Vegas. God is having me face the pain, and in so doing, I am having awesome
days of glorious joy, and other days, where I want to end it all. I will never kill myself, but it is intense
It has been an intense month
2018 ~ March 3/7/2018
Things are getting OH SO MUCH BETTER! I nearly heard audibly, “ONCE YOU COME
THROUGH, THINGS WILL GET BETTER” ~ You have overcome! Oh! I have
fallen in love with the pool outside her my window…………. I discern there is A PORTAL. Words can barely describe what I feel/
discern as I look at the pool, as well as the willow trees, bridges……………….
Started Patricia’s King A-Team group. $40
Learning lots…………………
Beverly Randal as well is surely helping me. Yesterday (March 6, 2018) ~ She helped me
close the door to fear, and occult.
There was certainly a shift/ change afterwards. I wasn’t afraid any longer of sleep / or
going to be at a wrong time. GOD IS
still surrounding me with 17, and more words to encourage me, communication and
I have lost count of deliverances, and breakthroughs. I
can think better and awoke in true and God given identity this weekend. I did have a hard fall while crossing at the
corner. I didn’t want to be bothered after getting up, as a man was trying to
get my attention, so as to see if I was ok. After a minute or two, I finally
responded. I told him I was ok, hurt yes, but ok.
He was on his bike, that he now was walking. Finally, I
gave in, and communicated, found out his name was James. I then remembered
Chucks (my firstborn son) dream, with mikeknowseverything for the
password. (It has been in my spirit that
there is Michael the arc angel in my life.) Anyway, we did continue on this
walk, and by the time we were done, I just knew something good had happened,
and changed for good. I then and now
believe, I very well was visited by an angel of some kind. Archangel even……………….
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5/18/2018
Had a manifestation the other night, and Charlie dealt
with it. Now next
week, on May 22, 2018. I have an appointment with Nelson Schuman, who does
deliverances, and more. Mostly from jezebel, ahab, and leviathan. Trusting the LORD, my GOD with it
though. SHALOM ~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ July 2018
We moved out of Budget Suites and into El Paseo senior
community. We are at 3980 East Owens #111 Las Vegas
On the corner of Owens and Gateway. I noticed after moving in that the toilet was made by Mansfield Company. Now this is very interesting for I met a man as well from Branson Missouri. I see 17 & 3 over a dozen times a day. Address 3980 added up, well I see 3 9+8 IS 17
On the corner of Owens and Gateway. I noticed after moving in that the toilet was made by Mansfield Company. Now this is very interesting for I met a man as well from Branson Missouri. I see 17 & 3 over a dozen times a day. Address 3980 added up, well I see 3 9+8 IS 17
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now it is October 2018, and I was introduced to Courts of Heaven this last
week. God is connecting me with ladies around our Globe. Mirta Argentina ` Sandy and Fenton in
Trinidad & Tobago. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ November
“Would you let ME
do something.?” What has been the hardest has been to believe all I have to do,
is Proverbs 3 (trust), and Isaiah 40(wait). This week, there has been a;(nearly
indescribable) breakthrough. I had that
vision of JESUS carrying me through the Red Sea too.
January 5th 2019
WOW!!! I believe I
have come through a spiritual portal.
Chuck (my first-born son, had those 4 years of GOD Orchestrated dreams!)
I haven’t the words to describe how wonderful life feels. THANK YOU; ABBA!!!
January 20th
January 20th
Been on a fast, and after going to be on the fast a few
days, I went to bed on the 18th of this month, (Charlie let me know
later, that I had 2 full blown manifestations/ I have no memory of them). Anyway, I AM FREE of more evil than ever. THANK YOU, ABBA!! The heat of God is gloriously intense. <3
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
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Freer and Freer!!
It's been a season of more and MORE freedom from the devil! Over these last few years, yes I have gotten freer and freer by not relying...

It has been over a year, nearly two since i actively used my camera. Since i don't drive, I am basically stuck at home and recently acq...
I have been coming through such a season. One which has been gradual in my healing. God is ever so much more clever than us, and HE knew tha...