Friday, March 15, 2019


TIME TO BE REAL! Well, no fear of man! I have been VICTORIOUSLY SET FREE, of more than I can imagine. It is awesome to be alive! I have lost count of the deliverances I have had these last couple of years. Am now having Holy, Wonderful, Manifestations of GOD! Where before it was ugly ones from the pit of hell. I did nearly everything I could do, from going to healing rooms, sozo's, and more. I lost count of the times of fasting too, and had partial/ temporary freedom. This season, have had a vision of The Lord; where HE Carried me through the Red Sea.  I heard in the Spirit, "Would you let ME do something Nicole? 
I now, have quit DOING, and have had more breakthroughs and the seizures I had are GONE!  Almost all, almost all my victories, deliverances, healing have come directly by GOD and HIS HAND, not to much through man. So I share this here on my blog, and have been given this day, OF God; MARK,  Chapter 9, Verses 17-24. Please look it up, and know the situation you haven't had victory over as of yet, PRAY: “I do believe, Lord; help my little faith!”                            Feel free to contact me and I can/will stand with you too.  

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Freer and Freer!!

It's been a season of more and MORE freedom from the devil! Over these last few years, yes I have gotten freer and freer by not relying...