Sunday, May 4, 2014


Not many things can make a mom more happier than to see her kids/offspring!!!    Especially as they are grown and living their own lives, and paying their own bills!   I declare that I get to see ALL my kids this very week!  My Coast Guard kid, My First born kid, and my United States Marine kid.  Yes a United States Marine can be a kid, but only their mom's kid.  Yippee!  Thank YOU, LORD for a bountiful group of men/kids a percentage of each!  I lift up this next 2 weeks of having some TIME with the 3 amigos/ hombre's that I was blessed in birthing!    This is just a short posting, but so strategic!!  I declare that this family of mine will ALL serve GOD the Creator of each of them/us!  PSALM 139!!    YEAH GOD!!!  I invite you to pray/declare for all of us.  Thank you!
By the way the older man is the dad/father of all three hombres!   Next 3 postings will be of each of them!!!   SHALOM!!!!

Photography by Nicole N

Photography by Nicole N

Sunday, April 27, 2014

I Could/Should but don't...........................

I read the following and was overcome with emotion..................


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

This is the call you have been waiting for.................

I was folding some laundry, and watching a show my husband was. I don't watch much of anything but birds, and bugs/ creation that is.  Charlie (my husband), heard the phone ring, but I did not, and he spoke as he left the room, "this is the call you (Nicole) have been waiting for". LOL   So he answered the phone and it was my Therapist/prayer coach/ Counselor . . . . .    Well by the time the conversation was over, and she prayed for me, it was sweet. I am learning more than I can fathom and discern more is coming.  I also was directed to watch Graham Cooke,   I think it so interesting that ever so many learn on a consistent basis, but when intense times come, be it financial, physical, or ever so many ways, we either can/will drowned, give up, give in, or become hard as a rock be it with the Lord, people, or most anything.  Take time to sit/be still/ just take some time and turn off the computer, stay home and sit out in the back yard, and be still. I love to spend time under my pergola / shown below.                The Lord wants to speak to us, let us be still and wait for the answer ...........................  Shalom

Sunday, April 13, 2014

I AM FREE................

Good day to you!  I bless you with breakthrough, joy, peace, and oh so much more this day!  It is a  new day, the past is gone, and put behind me to stay.  I awoke today and wrote down my dreams. I pray as I seek the Lord for interpretation, that I will understand greater and greater the dream language I our lives. I dream a lot and know the Lord speaks a lot through dreams.
Today is wonderful and I got up had my bowl of cereal, got my binoculars and bible with me under the pergola in my backyard. I love the morning as well as outdoors. I open most windows every morning and even sleep with our bedroom window open often.
I have been watching some of Graham Cook Videos, here in a link to one of the several of his teachings.  This particular one is one of five and I still haven't completed the five and am so radically seeing stuff in a totally different way.    Living in our true identity/ Graham Cooke
Ok, back to sitting under my pergola and breakfast. I have quiet times with the Lord occasionally, but this a.m, I was discerning GOD/ABBA, not Jesus the Son. Anyway, I could feel Greatly/Intensely Him there standing directly in front of me, speaking to me.  I was praying (talking to HIM), and was apologizing for not realizing the error of my ways. AND all I was getting of HIM, was positive affirmation, of all the good I had done, that so many would have given up, and I hadn't. This went on for several minutes and of course this was intimate, so I won't share anymore. But the LOVE I am feeling is more intense than ever before.
I noticed the time, and realized  Glory of Zion (church in Texas), was on, so I got on the internet and watched it.  It was awesome, and Dutch Sheets was the speaker of the day. He was teaching on Passover, and he was sharing, People, it is time to put the past behind you, it is time to cross over and just shared all the details most would not think of when it is time to cross over the River.  Tear down those memorials of the past and move on. After the service was done, I took my flags and went over to the park so as to dance/declare/etc  and did so.  I usually use flags, and rarely dance without them, but there are those times as well. I have done flags all over my yard as well.  Most of the time at church though. So this day is the end to much and the beginning to much more.
In closing, I am going to go and learn MORE about Passover and what one is to do, to eat etc!  A new day is here and it is time to embrace her.    Shalom~~~

Monday, April 7, 2014

Numbers, Birds, and more................

I shared before about colors and hope you enjoyed, and even learned some tidbits on this topic.  I am looking forward to hearing testimonies of what colors, numbers mean to you. What and How God communicates to you ................
So here we go for my weekend was unique and awesome. A wonderful cousin contacted me and asked me, Hey Nicole, I want to come pick you up and take you anywhere you want to go. (I thought about South America, but didn't want to pack and get a passport, so close a nearby park).  LOL  We arrive (oh by the way we are both photographers). We get to t he lake and the first thing I notice is they had to cut some beautiful trees down, so as to put in a skate park :(   oh well,  S I G H............
We park and I see the water level is down for our low/drought condition of a season.  :(     I start telling myself to LOOK for the good.  So we start walking and I start hearing those lake/water birds like red winged blackbirds, common yellow throat warblers, some common geese, mallard, American coots, and so much more.  I, well OH my gosh, I feel like I am back home again.  (another story for another time).  We continue to walk and I see those cool white pelicans!  American White Pelicans! I get some cool shots and then they take off and fly, soar, and for the rest of the day, they just seem to become the focal point and subject of the day for both Roseanne and I.  I take my time and just stand behind some reeds and see what "might" peek out of there and sure enough I get to see those little warblers I shared earlier of: Common Yellowthroat warblers. I see some cool herons, and those delightful dancing egrets too. My eyes follow the egrets and see they are making their nests in the tall Eucalyptus trees by the Library. I never knew there were so many nest in such a few trees. WOW! Walking, I get close the end of the lake, and do pray, declare, decree, fill up the Lake, Lord, bring in the rain and fill us up. I repent for taking advantage and not treasuring the land, and just forgetting about her. Amen.  
Next time, I will probably take out my flags and do a rain dance!  It's anointed, so it will work. :)  Let's get back to the walk now. We start back, and choose not to circle the entire lake. We get back and those pelicans are docile now and just quiet.......... AND THEN, these two kids go and scare them. I get so errrrrrrrrrr, but convince myself the birds aren't hurt, just watch.  So I do. These waterfowl choose to leave their sandbar of a peninsula and go to an island like place that is harder to get to. You have to go around the entire park to get there. I start thinking they are smarter than I give them credit for. 
Oh yeah!  I started to share about numbers, for last time was colors. Ready?
As I shared we got to the lake and saw so much life, birds and more. The pelicans became a focal point and subject of the day. I got home and looked through my photography and what caught my attention was the birds in flight ............OH!!!  the next day, for the lake trip was Saturday, and on Sunday I was home, and that is no where near any lake. I am in my backyard and look up and what do I see? PELICANS!!!!    They soar up there for about 10 minutes and take of in 2 different directions. 
So the conclusion of my weekend (which I was fasting "Doing, Doing"  another posting/another time), was the fact 2 different number kept presenting themselves.  The #3, and #4.
Three can mean a variety of things and I do have some Christian books that have helped me, but sometimes numbers can be personal. #3 can be about braiding, something in your life needs more than just you to accomplish it. It can stand for the Trilogy, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, again which is being attached somewhere in God. Many of us have isolated ourselves, and of course use social media, but even on Facebook, you can isolate yourself from having close freindships. The #3 can have to do with conforming. Learning this does take study in regards to what was created on the third day of creation. Oh also this is the first geometrical figure. Again when I look at those lines, 2 lines can't make a figure, and it take 3 to make a figure to contain anything. I look at marriage , I look at friendships, please include the Lord to make that relationship complete. Also there were 4 pelicans in flight at the park. 4 is a cool number, most likely having to do with ruling/reigning. Seeing the pelicans Saturday, they were a focal point and another interpretation of #4 is dominion /dominance. What dominates you? What do you give dominance in your life. So I "could" interpret the weekend that the Lord either needs to be in UTTER dominance over my /our/ you life.  How many of us have given CHRIST UTTER dominance over our lives. I haven't,  I am trying, Trying! God is going deeper and Deeper in all of us that will let HIM.  Shalom~

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Is God talking to you, and you never noticed??

Soooooooooooooooooo, much has been happening be it in the spiritual side of my life and I thought it was just the physical side of life.  I have read ever so many books in my life, and here in this last season the Lord has been prompting to read not only specific books, but just READ some books.  So I picked up re-ordering your day by Chuck Pierce, and though it was written several years
ago, it is for today in ever so many ways. I have been awakening at night, and just DON'T want to get up, but last night did, and ended up sleeping the rest of the night on the couch. The first hour, I was praying, and I think declaring. I only was finishing the 2nd chapter and twas on my heart to start over again, for there were tidbits of glorious/revelational information, and yep I found them. HERE is the first one:   We all have senses, and God speaks as well as does the enemy, but, BUT, we can discern ever so much through our senses; be it good/evil. 
So often I get pain in my body, and when I was in the nursing profession, there was a term called signs/symptoms. Holy Spirit has been giving me many signs/symptoms and yet has been communicating to me, that I don't have the condition of those signs/symptoms.  Does that make sense to you?  I then noticed on my Facebook wall, another woman was having this same situation, in her life. She was having pains, but not the condition. The Lord let her know as well, the same thing, but with more clarity. She was to be praying for someone as she felt those pains.  Now this is where the blessing of speaking in tongues comes in. So often we "might" not know what to pray, but know TO PRAY. "lol" 
Let's move on to color and leave the pains behind.  Has a color ever gotten your attention, or maybe you didn't realize that it was the color till the end of the day.  Example, you saw a yellow car, that really got your attention. Later while shopping  you were drawn to some beautiful yellow roses, and bought them. Coming home you noticed a woman wearing some beautiful yellow clothing, and then after coming home you picked up the mail and received some mail with a yellow envelope. Many Christians don't realize that God speaks like this. WELL?  How many times do we say God never speaks to me. ONE, we need to learn the language of our God/Creator.
Soooooooooo,  Yellow can mean a multitude of things, and most of the time it means either joy or fear. 
Again let me share something of great importance. So many go to school/college for years JUST to learn, Learn, LEARN. But how many of us really try and LEARN how to understand and converse with Our God.
Most colors usually have two basically meanings, and then there are times that let's say yellow was a color that when growing up you noticed, and it was the color of maybe your bedroom/linens.  Maybe the Lord is showing you HE was there when you were growing up though you never felt him.
So that is it for today, maybe next time, I will share about numbers. Please feel free to ask any questions.  Shalom

Monday, March 3, 2014


It has been years since I studied scripture. For over 10 years I haven't even grazed through the pastures of Scripture recently. Late in 2013, I "knew, discerned" that is was time to get back into the Holy Word of God again.  I nibbled and that was about it. A side note is that I have been being purged of so much ugly spiritual crap, and that has been my focus ever since it started a little less than 10 years ago.  I went looking for a notebook of mine and found over half a dozen notebooks FULL of studies from Esther to Habakkuk.  I went to church yesterday and even had to have a neighbor drive me there. 
Where I attend there is a man who usually teaches/preaches and it twasn't his week to this, so our head guy  pastor/teacher taught us and taught about Holy Spirit.  He shared a lot of what I already grasped but needed refreshing.  He also shared that he was only going to share a percentage of scriptures for he wanted us to do some homework and not just sit and absorb, without doing "something" to ADD to his opening of topical teaching.
So here is what I did..............    I got home and dug out my Strong's Concordance and                     my older Thompson Chain Reference bible. I got my notebook out and started digging                                   The Holy Spirit in the bible. I started out with ~~~~~~
I Samuel 10: 6 & 10.
Chapter 10: 6        And the Spirit of the Lord will come upon thee.....              3068
Chapter 10:10       And the Spirit of God came upon him,                                   430

Ezekiel  36:27       And I will put My Spirit within you                                     7307

John 14:17     Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees him not,  4151                        neither knows him: but ye know him; for he dwells with you, and shall be in you. 

Romans 8:9    But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwells in                         you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.                       4151

Zechariah 4:6   Then he answered and spake under me saying, this is the Word of the Lord unto                          Zerubbabel saying, not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord
                          of Hosts.                                                                                                               7307

Daniel 5:11       There is a man in thy kingdom in whom is the spirit of the Holy Gods...........   7308

3068:   self existent, Eternal Jehovah                                430:  of the Supreme God
4151:   a current of air/breath/blast or a breeze               
7307:   wind, breath, a sensible even violent exhalation  
7308:    corresponds to 7307: mind/spirit/wind

In closing Thank you,  Rob Starck............. Lamplighter Revival Center, in El Cajon, California.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

WOW is all I can say!!!!

Ever so much is surfacing for me, stuff I have waited years/seeming like an eternity though.  This season though I am battling an infection that just won't give up. I rarely get sick AND when I do, it is usually female in its orientation. Of course that is because so much was done to me as an infant. (before 6 months of age).  It amazes me that I was saved when I was living in sin with my boyfriend (now my husband), and while watching Billy Graham in 1977.  I was changed instantly in many areas. That night I slept in the closet (walk in), for I knew it was sin to sleep with Charles. Left him, and he found me/got saved within 6 months. Yeah, he "pursued" his love............. "ME" and that has been a HUGE part of my breakthrough is feeling/accepting LOVE:  I Corinthians 13 LOVE!  Read it and you will realize that there are times we are NOT loving.
God has been showing me the #7 a lot as well, and little girls. So I am discerning a lot of HIS love for me as a child too, and even then not accepting it. A time of healing AND deliverance in JESUS NAME!  Photo taken in 1975.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Just sharing my "MY SPACE" Page~~

7 White Pelicans~~~

Those who know me, know I like/love creation  birds/bugs etc.  Of course I don't idolize them, I keep them at a good preference in my life. I can nearly take most anything in my day/agenda and see the spiritual significance of it.  This weekend I was weeding the front yard (in a dream/ front yard means present time), so I am weeding, and I look up.  I see some birds, but they seemed different, I kept looking, and then got my binoculars. I noticed of course they were no longer there :(   ~~  I just kept searching the skies, and after about a minute I FOUND them. They were now a little past our neighborhood towards the west. I counted them and there were 7. 7 is nearly always interpreted "complete"  Pelicans spiritually can stand for the apostolic/apostle and so I have been declaring that much has come to an end (good), and since they were flying west, this time is about over too!    Also twice in the last 24 hours, 7 year old little girls have been pointed out to me. The  first one wanted to dance and do flags with me. Then was on Facebook and an acquaintance/woman of God, posted her little daughters photography.  I got all teary eyed, to see such sweetness. It made me remember that I never; I mean NEVER wanted little girls.  So guess what?  I have all boys/ men now. Ok; back to the white pelicans: white is nearly always clean. I am guessing that I am clean, but going through INTENSE healing now!  Well emotions I never thought I had, are truly surfacing.  So there it is for ALL to see...........  OH!  This photography "isn't" mine.  Is most usually IS, so I wanted to give credit to the photographer, but there was none offered. Have a wonderful day! Oh, and you can keep me in prayer too! For a total and complete healing!  Shalom

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Time to face facts~~~~~~~~~~

Good day to you!!  I know "you" don't have "any" stubborn areas that need some attention~~~   
OH MY GOSH!  I started some deliverance/healing appointments last week and it went ever so well. I learned some good stuff and also could see I am/was too hard on myself.  The weekend came and that was some hard warfare (for me), for I couldn't sleep and so didn't get much of it. FOR ME,
that is a weak spot. So the weekend progressed, and Saturday afternoon, I felt strength come over me, and was just refreshed. Thank You, Lord. After the sun set, well I was getting ready for bed, and all of a sudden, I was soooooooooo, weak and tired.  I crawled under the covers, and hubby came in and cause it was only a wittle after seven pm, well there were some colorful comments.    I remember though (after he left the room), that I actually LET GO of "something" , some fear that I have always had pertaining to sleep. It was as if I melted into the sheets/bed.  I awoke , fell back asleep several times that night and even this season.  Sunday came and I turned on church, (since I don't drive),
and watched  
I loved it, and yes I did worship.  Chuck Pierce then was the teacher this week and now for the next few weeks is going to focus on teaching about curses/demons and which do you have .......................
Well, I have watched it over a couple of times and will watch it several times more before the week
is over.  I also have been battling an infection, a stubborn infection that won't budge since September 2013.  I went online and learned many a woman have had the same infection, and some for years! 
So as I have been discerning greater, and rising to a new level, well a responsibility is with that new level.  So I HUMBLY/EMBARRASSED EVEN........   deep breath/  share that what I realized is that I nearly always want the short way, microwave, easier, less painful etc way to do things.  I know if
I reach out and touch the Lord I can/will be healed, but so often, I end up having to take the LONG way, doctors have told me, they have never seen situations I have been in with infirmity. Today I get of the LORD, it's time to fast, Fast, FAST.   I freak out, for I like my coffee, sweets etc      
I did quit soda some months ago, but as I look back, I have gradually added sugar to a lot of places.   THEN I felt an angry spirit rise up in me, self pity even  OH MY GOSH!   It has been a few hours, and I have gotten a little better, but I pray that SOMEDAY I can have that cup of coffee again.
 MY gosh, the good point here,  IS the fact, that I do discern the LORD, and hope I make wise choices.  Many of us are going to go through some deep purging, and it's time to face the truth...............  Help me LORD!!! I declare I/we are going to go through this deep purging
and deep healing too!  We shall face fears, and they no longer will take up residence.    
Have a wonderful week and I am looking for new subscriber!
Shalom~~  Nicole Nanette

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Time to create~~

I am having a good time  NOT being on social media this week, and who knows if I might "ever" return....   but honestly not many follow me, SOOOOOOO ,  who is really gonna read this posting.  Well I like to create and though I have painting ALOT, well I have added to those paintings this week.......  

I have been saving my old jewelry, especially earrings, and ever so enjoyed making these! Of course most all are for sale :  JUST ASK ME!             

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The name Debra is :   Deborah (Hebrew: דְבוֹרָה, Modern Dvora Tiberian Dəḇôrā ; "Bee", Arabic: دبورة Daborah‎) was a prophetess of the God of the Israelites, the fourth Judge of pre-monarchic Israel, counselor, warrior, and the wife of Lapidoth according to the Book of Judges chapters 4 and 5. The only female judge mentioned in the Bible, Deborah led a successful counterattack against the forces of Jabin king of Canaan and his military commander Sisera, the narrative is recounted in chapter 4.

Here is a link to read, Read, READ about this bee, and Deborah~~

So this is a simple posting of the many bees I have found in the land~~~

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Just a couple of BLESSINGS............ Thank you ABBA.

So many of Us/We/You never know what you love until it's gone or it's hard to find........    I lost/got taken away legally my Drivers License a few years ago. I was praying and doing spiritual warfare and blanked out and upon coming to, found myself/and my vehicle, in a pile of dirt, after plowing through a chain link fence. I prayed as I felt this UGH happening, in JESUS name and well got slammed..........   :(
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, now I don't drive, which means I basically am stuck at home 99% of the time. I have been delighted though to be able to walk to many a place, be it the park, or down to the market.
Most of my life I don't get angry much and this season, have had many a breakthrough with ANGER, but not sinning. Actually it has felt pretty good .  But I have finally come to a time, LET ME OUT OF HERE~~~   I would love, be delighted to go to the lake, to the park, to take a hike, to see the cattle egret, the snowy plover, the awesome  accipiters, and regal raptors. So what is the next step LORD?
Tis true that I am delighted in the cuties that HE blesses me here at home............ so this AM, I am just maybe whining, but twas on my heart to share . . . . . . . . . . .

Oh this is the Western Bluebird and Lincoln's Sparrow here in 92019.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rooftops - Jesus Culture (lyric video)

The Stubborn Onion / Glory of Zion / Corinth Texas

The Stubborn Onion - A Forced Peeling!
Watch Starting the Year Off Right Webcast Replays!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Dear Advancing Saints:

Many people are trying to start the year off right, but must first allow the Lord to do something in their life. Yesterday, Justin Rana wrote the following devotion which will give a fresh perspective on this year of deliverance.

The Stubborn Onion - A Forced Peeling

A little over four years ago, I wrote a devotion for all of you regarding the peeling of an onion. Our personal onion. Our layers. You can find that devotional by clicking HERE. It may be good reading before delving further into this current version.

I am now four years older at 33. I have had another child, named Ryan Matthew Rana, with my wife, Jessica. Much has changed in life with the emergence of a second child! Since Ryan's birth in 2012, it seems that much of life got turned upside down. My wife got even more busy, I began revisiting the idea of going back to college to complete my degree, and we now had another little human living with us. During this recent period in my life, God has prompted some heavy soul searching to occur. Or should I say, God has brought many testings about during this time?

I felt myself starting to be peeled again, exposing parts of myself that I was not comfortable with. You could liken it to losing some layers of skin - and getting down to that really raw layer that stings and hurts when it is touched. The part that really annoyed me was that I wasn't willingly doing the peeling. God was. It was a forced peeling. Through the circumstances of life, God was exposing issues in my life that still related to things that occurred when I was very young. Of course, in the midst of everything, you don't always realize what God is trying to show you. I felt abandoned again. I felt unimportant. I felt hurt. I "FELT."  I began to operate out of pure emotion - how I "felt." At the time, I could not bring myself to cling to and fight with the scripture about casting down everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). Of course I wasn't abandoned. God was there for me. Of course I wasn't unimportant. God created us in His image and He needs us! But alas, I couldn't see it. I started making choices and decisions that were leading to dark places, making covenants with the foes of God rather than believing in all He had promised me. I was in rebellion. And because of what happened to me as a young child, I refused to listen to any authority around me, including God himself. God was trying to speak...

In August 2013, we recorded a song here called "The God of the Redeemed." Aaron Smith, Tobias Lyons and I wrote it. I produced it. I SANG it. Yet, I couldn't heed what it said. The lyrics are below and you can hear the song here: GOD OF THE REDEEMED!

God of the Redeemed - T. Lyons, J. Rana, A. Smith

Standing on the line of precious promises
Chasing choices that our hearts already met
An old familiar foe has cycled round again
Will we seize upon this chance and enter in?

My eyes are fixed on the splendor of the king
Unmatched His love, grace, fury and envy
Tremble and quake you who stand His enemy
Swing wide your gates before the God of the Redeemed

We've beheld the giant in our promised land
Our voices hollowed by the shadow of its hand
Will we embrace our fears and live on desert ground?
Or will we be the chosen few? The time is now.

We've been overcome, but not this time
Had our lives destroyed, but not this time
We've given up every time but not this time
Not this time

God was obviously trying to tell me: "Hey - attention buddy. You are about to face some foes that are coming back around. You can either operate in fear or you can choose to enter in to what I have for you." The following month is when I started walking toward darkness. Rather than embracing the peeling God was trying to do - rather than turning to Him and drawing closer to Him, I turned away from the ultimate authority and chose MY plans, and MY ways.

Let me be the first to tell you: your plans and your ways lead to death and destruction. Thankfully, God, mainly through my lovely wife Jessica, turned back the battle at the gates. And I literally mean at the gates.

This is what happens when we resist God and resist the authorities in our lives. We are left to our own devices. We are left with our soul and our flesh - which without the Spirit of God is just a bad combination.

Whatever is going on in your life right now, STILL yourself. Stop your flailing. Realize that God is God and you are not. There is nothing that you can do in yourself to make your life any better than what God can make it. Embrace the place that you are in. Many of the younger group here at Global Spheres Center has been going through a peeling, so we are with you!

This is a year of deliverance! Do not resist the forced peeling that WILL occur this year.  Read 2 Corinthians 10 and Isaiah 28.

Love to All,
Justin Rana

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's TIME~~

It’s time to put the past behind you, so after reading this I did just that (after repenting for bringing up the past), let’s all, do just that and get God’s plan for “our” lives GOING.  This is our word from Marsha and Bill Burns this FIRST DAY of 2014.

This will be a make-it-or-break-it year. You have all the tools you need to make it, but if you get lazy or stubborn, you will be broken and humbled. You will not move forward one inch if you refuse to let go of the past and hang on to things that are no longer relevant to where you are now. You will be challenged to progress, but you will have to provide the initiative by faith. It’s up to you; your will is vitally connected to what you make of this season.

If you choose to move on, there will be plenty of grace to enable you in the process. The difficulties that you faced in the past have slowly chipped away at the foundation of your hope and faith. But, this can be a time of restoration and a time of rebuilding your faith and trust in Me, says the Lord. It all depends on where your focus is.

The old cycle has ended, and a new cycle is beginning. It will be like a clean and blank sheet of paper ready for you to write your destiny. Keeping your heart and soul in alignment with My purposes in righteousness will write a destiny of a close and intimate relationship with Me. But, you must keep yourself undefiled by the flesh and the world.

Maintain divine order, and stay in the flow of My Spirit if you want to discern spiritually. This is a time when your discernment can once again take a giant leap forward if you take the time to exercise it. Spiritual growth and clarity will become the order of the day as you seek My face continually.

I will unveil the places in you that have become religiously stale. In order to avoid the trap of external, powerless religious exercise, you must recognize your condition and move by faith to internal communion with Me in the Spirit. Growth is the sign of life, and stagnation is the sign of death. Be vital and live in Me, says the Lord. Come to Me, and let Me revitalize you.

Image used by Permission of Art by Dominique......................

Freer and Freer!!

It's been a season of more and MORE freedom from the devil! Over these last few years, yes I have gotten freer and freer by not relying...