Tuesday, April 9, 2024

IT IS FINISHED! More and More Freedom than ever before!

GOOD and GLORIOUS VICTORY Over More & More Evil in JESUS Holy Name!
There are barely any words to describe the feelings and sensations in ones life, that God~ only GOD gives His Children. Be it what are known as HOLY SPIRIT Shakes or that HEAT that GOD Truly give HIS Children, which we HIS kids truly are. God has been setting me free of more evil; IN HIS NAME & TIME! I can try and share what HE has been teaching me in a variety of ways. Let me begin with how thngs simply haven't been working out the first time and/or more. It has been many years where I've attended ever so many Christian Conferences, Healing & Deliverance Meetings, Spiritual Freedom Events and I even won a scholorship of several weeks with a very anointed Ministry. This Ministry that was/is very anointed; apoligized to me after my scholorship had come to an end! My ever so Anointed Woman Mentor whom was doing an wonderful work, apoligized to me that nothing seemed to working. Doors of evil, wouldn't remain shut. Curses wouldn't stay broken. I seemed to be getting freedom, yet I can barely explain this fact! This Ministry asked me if they could send me their anointed books on Prayers of Deliverance. I began to Pray these prayers nearly immediately, that the books are full of. I began to declare, decree and pray in JESUS NAME! I began getting freedom and deliverance. I've lost count of what I've been set free of. Yet I know this though; that what I've gotten freedom from IS: TRULY GONE! Ireally have learned about Letting go and Letting GOD have ALL of ME! I have a list of evil that I have begun as God continues to show me. Proverb 3:5-7 ~~~ TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL of my/your Heart; Don't rely on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. Don't be impressed with your own understanding. Instead fear the LORD and turn away from evil. Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones. In closing I say; SHALOM and feel free to ask any question that you have. I'm on social media as well. I am also sharing my art, photography as well as my store too! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6rh3ohlGuqinG8DBTgGftw https://www.facebook.com/NNRamirez/ https://www.etsy.com/shop/PhotographybyNicoleN https://www.flickr.com/photos/photographybynicolen/collections


Sale, Sale on All Things!

From Wholesale Greeting Cards to My Books! Most Everything is on Sale! Please ask me or call me, with any questions that you have. I have d...